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Simple search feature that would make the finding connections 100 times easier, easy to implement

Posted by Mario S


Forum: SpaceHey Group

It would be amazing if we could search the profile page contents  of every page on the website for keywords.

So have a search bar, where i can pit the word "baseball" , and i would get a list if every user who put the word baseball in their profile .

That way anyone who put their city name in their profile, could be searched by that city name.
The same would work for professions, schools, hobbies, artists, song titles, and even links.

This way there would be no need to implement search by location or other criteria, any word that a person publishes on their profile can be searched 

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Reply by An


Isn't that already possible with the advanced search? https://spacehey.com/advancedsearch
Or do you mean something different?

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