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Draconia - Be the Dragon!

Posted by Levia Draconia


Forum: Dragons Group

Here is a game project me and my team are currently working on. 

"Create your dragon, customize it, level it. Explore the world of Draconia and unravel its story. Draconia is an MORPG where YOU play as the dragon!"

Official Trailer

Draconia on Steam

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Reply by Roarar


Oh you're one of the folks behind Draconia? That's dope! I got it the moment I heard of it and I'm excited to see it grow. I haven't hopped on in a while due to schedule stuff though.

Still, I and several others on a private Discord server I run were stoked to have at least a dragon game to hang out in!

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Reply by ViLXDRYAD


the trailer looks beautifull!!!!!!!!!!!  lov the concept in, def im going to try it!! :3

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