It isn't impossible, but it's going to be a little bit of a pain. Since we can't directly modify the HTML of that area, we're going to have to do this purely using CSS.
To change an image using css, you need to apply the following styling to it:
.class-name {
content: url("the-url-of-the-desired-image")
This will override the "src" attribute of the default image with whatever you want.
Beyond this, you'll need to find a way to apply that styling to the particular icon you're looking for. Because all of the icons use the same class, you'll need to use the
nth-child selector when writing the new styling so it applies only to the specific child you're looking for.
I'll come back and edit this later when I have time with a more specific path, but it should look something along the lines of:
.contact .inner div::nth-child(1) div::nth-child(1) a img{
content: url("the-url-of-the-desired-image")
You'll need to do this for every icon you want to change. I'll see if I can come up with something more specific when I have a chance.