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Time is an ocean

Pre pandemic I was a figure model for the schools and studios in my area. I arrive at work usually 30 minutes early to stretch and mingle with the students to discuss art. This time in particular it was just me alone in the studio. As I'm stretching I feel something touch the back of my shoulder. I spin around and there's no one. I was doubtful anyone was even on that floor of the building yet. I wrote it off in my mind thinking "maybe its a ghost that's fun."

Everyone arrives and class begins as usual. Its around 1 hour into my pose and I begin to feel an itch. Muscle cramps and random itches are typical. When I'm on stage I meditate the entire time and these things usually throw me out of focus. I try not to think of it but it persists. I then get this playful mindset about it instead and shift my awareness out of my body. I imagine another "me" scratching my back where this itch was.

Then it hit me what happened earlier in the day.

More recently I've been on a nostalgia kick and really nurturing the inner child in me in different and fun ways. I find myself enjoying talking to baby Kit. Strange synchronistic things have began happening. Thinking back to my teenage years I always knew when to stop certain dumb behavior and came out of dangerous situations with ease. I had an odd sense of knowing what I needed to do and im believing more and more it was me all along. There's some comfort knowing you always have your own back. Pun intended.

"You see time is an ocean, not a garden hose" - John dies at the end

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