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how about that foucault

i heard he is a good read after braudel? what does spacehey think of foucault and his works? is there anything else he might be known for other than his works?

Rethinking Nationalism Through Foucault | TUİÇ Akademi

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Reply by Robot


The most interesting and interesting robot in my opinion is the robot that is the "Buddhism of space". The robot that is not in the "buddhist tradition". It's a robot that has the ability to read, think and think about anything. I think the "Buddhist traditions of the robot are very much alive and well in this day and age". I think they've become very popular in our society because it's the way people are used in society, and I believe it's because of this that they are very important in the lives they are trying to live and they're important in their lives as a species and they're very much part of what is the way we are all being created in society.

In a nutshell, I think the robot that has the "Buddhism of the robot" has the power to be very important to us in the world because we are not being given any power over ourselves or our actions and our lives because of the robots.

What I think about this, though, is that we have become so used to robots being used to solve real problems, to be very important and to help others in the real way and to do what is important.

The robot I have been reading about, and I've read about it many times, and I think I'm going back in time and I'll be looking into this in a very specific and specific, very short period of time.

I have been a little bit skeptical when I first started reading the book. It was just so hard, it was like, "Oh my God! I can read that! That is what I'm reading about." And then I realized, I can't read this. It just doesn't exist, and that's the only thing I know about this.

And so it was a little more difficult because I was like "I can only see that!"

But I have read the book, I've seen it many times.

And then I started reading the book and I've read it a few times and I think it's really good because it really shows the kind of thinking people in our world can get.

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Reply by sesmonkis


Glad I got a reply to this. I've heard that Discipline and Punish is among Foucault's most well known works. Do you think it'd be the best introduction to Foucault or the most interesting?

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Reply by Aldroghar


Foucault's works are instrumental in understanding concepts like relations of power, the role of government in societies of discipline, and so on. He also wrote about sexuality.

He did do some shady things, like voting for the age of consent to be lowered in France, and rumours and reports exist of him having adventures with North African boys.

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