Name: Jessi
Age: 20
Pronouns: she/her
Hobbies: singing, scrapbooking, reading, gardening
What got you into Paganism, Witchcraft, or Wicca?
I've always felt a pull towards magic and witchcraft, but was never able to learn about it as a child because my family is very religious. I was able to start practicing about 2 years ago, and made my first few spells since then. I've recently developed a relationship with the far, and became aware that I am actually part nymph from my mom's side. I'm still working on finding out how far back it goes, but it explains a lot. I'm looking to learn more about my roots, and about witchcraft and paganism in general. I know I'm interested in the Celtic (Irish) deities, since that's a big part of my heritage.