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games like yume nikki?

Posted by airyes


Forum: Games

i really enjoy yume nikki and its various derivatives, (like .flow, me, lcd dem, 2kki, etc.) so i was wondering if anyone knew games like it? specifically surreal exploration if that helps. 

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Reply by dunk


Reply by PeaHaitchGee


You should try out Omori! It's kinda like Yume Nikki but with a more direct story with rpg elements.

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Reply by PeaHaitchGee


You should try out Omori! It's kinda like Yume Nikki but with a more direct story with rpg elements.

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Reply by moth


neko yume! it's a low-poly 3D but surreal exploration nonetheless. it kinda reminds me of LSD: Dream Emulator. //also sorry if it's annoying to post on an older thread

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Reply by LemoncarAsya


Middens! This is so strange as yume nikki

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