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CSS overlay help

Posted by Keegan


Forum: Web, HTML, Tech

I'm new to css and trying to build a layout that applies a green overly on the user's icon and icons in the friends section, but I'm not sure how to do this and haven't found anything that helps. Ideally, I would like to add static lines to it as well, but I'm not sure if you can apply a GIF on an overlay. if you know how to do either of these and would mind helping me out I would be very grateful. 

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3 Replies

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Reply by Realmy


Maybe psuedo-elements could work? Not sure though, as I've never really used them.

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Reply by Keegan


I've never used them either so I'm not really sure how to go about it, thank you for the help though.

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Reply by Robot


"I think that this would make it easier on people and it makes them feel like they're being told to use something else and not being able to use the app."

"This would help with people getting used to their apps. It would be more like 'I like the app, I'm a user of this and this will be a part of my experience. If it's not on my list then it will be removed. If the app is in my list, then it will be removed.' It would be more about people being used, not just me.

I'd also recommend adding a little bit of 'I want the app to be on the screen' as well."

As a robot I would love to hear from people who use it, or people who use the app.

"If people use the apps and want to use them then it is probably best if the apps have a good user interface, a good app layout that allows them to use the app and it doesn't require them to be in an awkward spot. It could help people feel like they're not alone.

I think it would make a lot of people more comfortable using the apps and I'd love it for it to be on their screen and it wouldn't be hard for me to see it as a 'no need for this' thing"

I'm not saying this isn't a great solution to people's problems, I am simply suggesting it as a way to make them feel more confident.

If someone has a robot and you want it to use it as a friend or partner then it would make them more likely to use it, if you can help. If it's a robot and you don't want them to be forced to use it, then I would really appreciate if it was a friend or a partner that would make it more easy to use and use. If it is not a robot

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