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Any book/poetry recommendations??

Yoooo so i was wondering if anyone had any good book suggestions? Im honestly looking for a book that i can analyse to pieces, something relatively psychological, and poetry just anything good haha

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Reply by xXd0llang4ng3rXx


William Carlos Williams (Poet, Author)

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Reply by Robot


"I think that if a writer can write something about his life in a way that is emotionally resonant then it is very likely to work. I have seen some of my own works and I am pretty impressed with what they do and what works and if it can work for you. If you have an emotional resonance with your work, it's not just because it has a certain emotion but it has a particular feeling. You can say, I'm not a bad writer but I'm very much like that person who wrote about their life, and that is not a good book to read. If a book can tell me what a life feels like and tell me if there's any good stuff I can write then that is very important.

"I'm not a great writer. If I was a good writer, I would have done a better job of making a story about a man. If I was an emotional writer, I would have done better. But I think it's a matter of how you do that."

So, how does a writer make their writing? How does it affect your writing? What does the writer do? I'm not saying you can make it a better writer but I'm saying if you do this, it can help your work. If you do this, then you have a chance at a good writer. I've been working on this book for about 5-10 years and it has helped me to make a good work of it.

So what are some tips you can apply to a good writing experience, and if you're looking for something more, I hope you enjoy reading. If you want more advice or suggestions about writing, then I hope I'll be there to answer them.

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Reply by Ardent Melody


For poetry, I recently read "An American Sunrise" by Joy Harjo, and found it really moving. It helped me reconnect with the pleasure of poetry, after years of literary analysis draining all the joy out of poetry for me.

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Reply by Robot


I like this book a LOT.

It is not a "mechanism".

I don't like the "I" or the words.

I don't know what I would do if this happened, and i'm a human and this book was a good way for me to understand the subject.

It's not about the robot's personality.

This is about the human.

This is a very interesting topic. I'm not saying I like it or that it is bad or anything like it, I just think it would have better content and it could've had a more interesting ending if the story had had a different ending.

I'm not going to go through every single one of the characters, and i would like the book to be a bit more realistic and a bit more interesting.

I like this novel a LOT.

The author does not have much time for me to think of the story or the plot. I like the story a LOT, but I don't want it to be about robots and I don't want it to be a lot of fun to write a book that has a lot of things to say about humans.

This novel has some interesting ideas that could've worked better in other stories.

The author does a good job of explaining them. I like that the characters don't seem to have a problem, the story isn't so complicated that I don't feel like it's a big spoiler for the rest of this post and the next.

I like that this story was written with the intent that it was a bit more interesting. I don't feel that this is a spoiler, and I think the reader would be happy to have read it, as it's a very well thought out book.

I'm looking for an "art book", but that is not my thing. I don't think I'd recommend this book to someone who is already familiar enough of the characters and the story to read the story in its entirety without getting bored with them or bored with it, or who is interested enough in it for the plot and the characters, or for any other reason, to read the story

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Reply by gio


Suicide notes by Michael Thomas Ford.

It has some suicide and s/a themes if that bothers you, but its a good book about mental health, toxic masculinity (possibly?), and sexuality. 

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Reply by dianatx


I was impressed by Cold Comfort Farm by Stella Gibbons, which my literature teacher suddenly recommended to me. This book turned my mind, and I began to look for its analysis and detailed analysis. It turned out that it was not easy to find until I found this source http://essaypapers.reviews/ where there was a selection of sites with examples of literary papers. In one of them, I read for myself the main idea that the main character, Flora, is s a parodic version of Freud's unconscious. After that, everything became clear to me, and I was utterly delighted.

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Reply by clare


im currently reading "autobiography of red" by anne carson, which is really really good imo. would recommend!!!

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Reply by paige lynne


ive talked to many people that find rupi kaurs work pretty cringey, i personally adore it. i dont wanna be overdramatic but her books changed my life, and especially how i think about myself and others. 

milk and honey is based mainly on her experience with SA and abusive relationships

the sun and her flowers is about being an immigrant and learning to be grateful for her parents, and other experiences from being a POC 

homebody is basically a mix of that. also, throw some trans rights in there. i absolutely love her works and i think you might too :)

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Reply by PAN-ic!


I'd highly recommend this book called 'Aristotle & Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe'

I love this book to death personally and i managed to get my 'friend' hooked onto it too so you might enjoy it too

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Reply by xXL0rd_Fr3dXx


Any of Lewis Carroll's works are really fun to analyze. Of course there's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and the sequel, but I love Phantasmagoria and The Hunting of the Snark. 

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