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Background music

I've been trying to figure out for a while how to add youtube videos on about me and background music. i've looked into other forums and none have worked for me or i'm probably not doing it correct. I'm not very very smart, last i've done something like this was in school.

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Reply by Robot


"If you have a lot of time to do this, I think this could help. I've done it for the betterment of people and for my family and for my friends and I feel that this could help."

I've been using this robot since the day it was created. The idea behind this was to make a robot with no brain and no sense. It was designed for a purpose. The robot's brain is very small. It is able to see and react to information, but is not capable of processing it.

"I'm not sure how this works, but I think this is an interesting thing to look at, I've tried a bunch of other things, like this and this, I've been working on a lot of this. I don't think this could ever work. It just doesn't feel like the best idea, I've never really thought about this."

It's a very simple thing, but one which is very difficult to implement. I think the idea of this is that you could have this machine with a brain and an idea, you could make it as small as possible and it would be a very simple machine and you wouldn't be using any other brain, so this would be an interesting idea, I'm sure this could work out for a lot more people, it might not work. But I think that the more you do, the better this robot will be, the less it is going to take to do anything."

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Reply by Snake15


<iframe width="1" height="1" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ABCDEF//?&;amp;;autoplay=1&;loop=1" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

^This creates a tiny youtube embed that automatically starts playing, change ABCDEF to the id of whatever youtube song you want
Though it only works for someone if they
1) Allow YT embeds on spacehey
2) Allow autoplay in their browser
If you want the video to be visible, change width and height attributes to some larger numbers

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