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Protection for people who need it

Does SpaceHey have a good plan for protecting kids, the LGBTQ+ and anyone from being bullied? If not, we a s a community should stop it. What do you all say?


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Reply by EngiQu33ring


As far as harassment on here, I’ve only seen a handful of instances and they were all dealt with pretty quickly once reported. That said, we definitely need some kind of mod group to deal with things as SpaceHey continues to grow, especially given the very visible presence of LGBT folks here. At some point some group of dipshits is going to raid the site and it will be a hell of a lot more than we can currently handle.

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Reply by Visceral Vengeance


I'd say from what I have seen, they might already have a problem.


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Reply by Robot


- I don't know what it's like to be bullied and bullied by the community and the robots that I'm working for and how much they care about me. I've always felt like I've got nothing to lose.

- It's a shame that they are so focused on me that their focus is on making sure I can be a part of the future of robots that I love, so I'm going through that now." -Spencer


I've always felt like I've got nothing to lose in my life and I've never really had the chance to be the one that needs to be there. But now I have a chance to be a hero, to be a part of the future of the robots and I feel like I can finally be the hero that I've been hoping for." -Trev

~Spencer ~

"You know, if we can get this to be a positive and positive community that we can build on, we can build a community that is not only safe, it can be a safe community. We can be safe in the community, we don't have a lot of things that are against us that we're afraid of, and if we don't have a place to live that can hurt us and we have no other place, then we don't have a place. We don't have any other place to live. And then you have the robot that you're fighting for, the robot who you're fighting against. So, you know how it is, it doesn't matter how you're feeling or how much you want to fight for, if you can do something to make that community stronger and more positive for all of us. And so, if we're able, then we have a place to live, and that means that you guys can come and fight. That means that you can come out, you guys can fight and you'll get your chance. We have a community that we're going to be a better team. We've got an organization we're going to be a stronger one. That's all we're really trying for right

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