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Introduction template!

Posted by Cole


Forum: 3mo k1dz Group

1: what’s your name

2: age 
3: favorite color?
4: what’s your favorite band?
5: spikes or studs?
6: dogs or cats?
7: favorite song?
8: anything else 

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Reply by Cole


1: what’s your name? Cole

2: age? 14
3: favorite color? Red 
4: what’s your favorite band? I don’t know a bunch of ‘emo’ bands yet but I really like slipknot and ptv 
5: spikes or studs? Spikes
6: dogs or cats? Dogs
7: favorite song? Vermilion pt 2 or Bulls in the Bronx
8: anything else? I’m a Taurus uh I do tarot sometimes :p 

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Reply by Madison


1: what’s your name: Maddi

2: age: 15yrs
3: favorite color? pink/green/purple
4: what’s your favorite band? Pierce the veil
5: spikes or studs? spikes
6: dogs or cats? cats
7: favorite song? Shut me up
8: anything else? nope

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