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What is your eva discovery story?

I want to hear about how you encountered Eva and why you became a fan

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Reply by wyll


a friend recommended it to me, when i watched it i was enamored by how well written the characters were. also rei, i love rei. she's awesome 

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Reply by s1llyp1ll3dv4mp ︎︎


i think i saw the memes on the internet when i was around 11 and i started watching it- i rewatch the whole thing again every few months :33

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Reply by ThisYhis


my older brother watched the first half of nge with me when i was REALLY young. i also saw ads for 2.22 and whatnot growing up. finally watched the full series and movies recently

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Reply by TiredAmoeba499


It was during the pandemic when instead of watching class I decided to go on and watch some memes.

There I found a meme with the Evangelion opening song and I got addicted to it, so i decided to search up the source of it.

Then I found out that it that it was from the same anime as an old meme from my country, of the crappy Portuguese (from Portugal) dubbing of the final scene from the original series, and because of that I decided to watch it.

And that's how I got addicted to an anime of nihilistic teenagers riding giant mechs and killing big kaijus.

(Btw, sorry for any sign of bad English. My native language is Portuguese)

https://youtu.be/l04_GGlr3BI?si=31AeUFLwSJCA61hf — the link for the crappy Portuguese dubbing 

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Reply by Bradyyy


To be honest, I think I kept seeing it pop up on Pinterest and YouTube, so I looked it up.

I became a fan because I love all the characters, the plot, you can relate to them, learn a lot from the show, it made me cry a lot which shows never do, great soundtrack, great art/scenery, good comfort show ig I'm not really sure, just a great show all around.

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i kept seeing about it on pinterest so i decided to watch it and then i got my friends into it!! 

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