« SpaceHey Forum

Please remember to interact

Posted by Hatch


Forum: SpaceHey

People who are new to spacehey: Remember its your job to interact with others on here. I know a lot of other social medias have an air of "Don't add anything unless its super needed, don't add stupid comments" but thats not how Myspace worked.

If you see a post you just want to add a stupid "WTF" or "lol" to, do it. 
If you see someones profile has something you want to ask about, ask about it. Post a comment or IM them.
If you want to make a group, make it. But by god, please actually post in it.
If you want to join 50 groups, do it, but please add to them.
Other people aren't going to make the site active. YOU have to make the site active.

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2 Replies

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Reply by Hisui


Reply by JoeyHollywood


I’m new to this. Also I don’t remember if I had a MySpace. 

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