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Posted by emolovestory


Forum: Games

I have been playing Pokemon since I was a very young kid and it's the one franchise I've always stayed a big big fan of! Does anyone else play Pokemon and/or are looking forward to the new game?

The new game is called Pokemon Legends: Arceus and the game takes place in a region from long ago called Hisui Region which is ancient Sinnoh. It features beautiful environments and ecosystems, multiple open world maps, item crafting, and a new region with new regional forms (hisui/alpha) to explore! Pokemon can even attack you now!

Would anyone like to play with me when the game is released? =D

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Reply by emolovestory


Ohh. :o

Care to explain why you feel that way about the newer games? 

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Reply by Stocker


I’m looking forward to Arceus legends just because of how different it is. Been playing since Gen 1 so hope it does well!

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