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Social Medias to use other than Spacehey

I know this is my third thread in a row on here but fuck it, Someones gotta post here.

List the best social media to use. We all know Spacehey doesn't, and will never do Everything. What websites do you use to fill the niches available?

Different mastodon instances are fun, but I can never get activity on there. (Mastodon is kind of like twitter? Hard to explain)
Pinterest and tumblr are my usuals, theyre super customizable and its easy to just get lost in content when I want to just be lazy. Pinterest is more creative on it, though
Reddits nice once in a while too

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13 Replies

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Reply by Rebecca Jeane


I kinda sorta use MeWe. It's okay, I guess. The conservative side of my family uses it, and there's a lot of weirdos on there, but I guess you get out of it what you put into it. I mostly use it to scratch my conspiracy theories itch.

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Reply by Hatch


"The Social Network Built on Trust, Control and Love" oh that sounds untrustworthy right there honestly srgjknhg
Im gonna look at it some tho

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Reply by DarkMiryam


I used to be active on Twitter only for sharing book and songs quotes. In the last two years I progressively abandoned this social 'cause it became too politic and I was spending more time blocking specific words and users from my wall instead of sharing my things.

So far, SpaceHey is the best alternative. 

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Reply by Hatch


I just joined Crabber, which is a twitter alternative with less than 200 people so far. It seems nice so far, probably due to the less than 200 people.

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Reply by Swiftpaw


I decided to check out Crabber, it looks okay but I'm not too big on Twitter in general including the format. Still anything is better than Twitter haha 

A social media I know of and use that's a touch obscure is Schlaugh. It feels a lot more like an anti-social media platform and includes being unable to see a follow count, like posts, or reply, and it only posts once a day. It's very good for screaming into the void. 

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Reply by Hatch


Reply by Swiftpaw


I feel like Crabber might have gone to the wayside. 

Plural Hub ended up finding it and they're very large and usually determined. PH is a group that has hurt many systems within the community, and make it so that once you get involved it's very hard to leave. They have rules in their server against criticizing them and are very good at seeming appealing especially to younger systems. 

I've seen this happen with small websites before, ironically it seems to happen a lot with Twitter alternatives and systems for some reason. A large group shares it in their server or GC and they all flood it. It becomes very clique-y and any opinions against the people in that group end with you getting dog-piled on the site or there's just blind support. This happened with another Twitter alt where the large group that joined drove any endogenic system off the site and most active users just went along with them because they were the biggest. 

I don't think there's anything that can really be done once they become the bulk of the userbase like that. PH especially is loud, loyal, and they know how to make their brand look good and appealing. I know it's cynical but I've seen this happen before. At least Crabber is kind of small so I don't think too many systems will get caught up in it. 

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Reply by Hatch


Me and Kero are gonna push it more in nonplural circles.

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Reply by Hatch


Oh that sounds cool

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Reply by Merzcat


I use last.fm for socializing and tracking my music listening history.
It's nice but it's centered around music so it's not something that appeals to general use.

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Reply by porkupine XD


tumblr + pinterest rlly R the best alternativez 2 spacehey....... twitter just makez me so deeply upset any time i log on and instagram is impossible 2 navigate cuz u dont see stuff in the rite order and the "algorithm" fuckz everywun over. -_- pinterest is so fun tho! i luv collecting aestheticz, and also i luv how batshit tumblr is nowadayz, it makez me laugh so much any time i log on :3 

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Reply by Rebecca Jeane


So apparently, Retrobook is a thing now, it's based on ooooollllldddd facebook. :) 

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Reply by Dario Western


Aside from Spacehey, I have:




Threads (this site/app is taking off big time because there's no toxicity on it - it's Meta's version of Twitter minus the bitching about religion, politics and current affairs).

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