1) The best thing about this build was the quality. I have to give it 3.0. The RGB kits were very well made (it took a while before I was impressed by how they did the build). The only downside to these kits are the lack of the heat sinks, but that doesn't bother me at all as I'm a fan of the heat sinks in my home, and I have to admit I've had them all my life. I would have loved a cooler with the same temperature as the heat sink but the RGB kits didn't come close enough.
2) The cooling is great (it was a little too cold for the build, but the cooling was good). The RGB kits are not as warm as the other RGB kits, which I find very annoying (it would be better if the cooler had the cooling fan mounted).
3) It's not that I'm biased on the build. This build has been very good for me. I would recommend the kit if your building for your next PC build, or just to have a look at what other RGB kits have been built for your PC build, as it's not a bad thing to have some of the kits that you've been working on for a few days. I think you can get a better build if you're not building for yourself or just for fun.
I'm not going to say anything too big, because the build itself has been very well done and has a nice look.
The build was very easy. I was very impressed and happy with the build as I'm sure I'll be getting more of the same soon. The RGB kits came with some extra goodies as well (I think I will get one for my new PC). I will probably get another one as I am looking forward to it and am sure I won't be disappointed if I get one in my next build (which I'm sure will come with a cooler). The RGB kit