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What are goth events like?

Posted by Hatch


Forum: Goth Events Group

My area has no scene whatsoever, and even so I've always been too scared to go anywhere. Can yall tell me what goth events were like when you went so I can live through yall lmao?

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Reply by Xtine


Hi Hatch,

When I first started going to Goth events they were huge with thousands of people there.  I started going in New York City in the 90s and it was pretty awesome.  Gradually it's dwindled down here in the States but overseas it's still huge, and I've heard about some pretty big parties that go on in other states.  For instance, The Castle in Ybor City in Tampa still has some big parties there.  

It's all about dressing up and listening to music and dancing.  Also having drinks with friends, meeting new people and going out to eat afterwards at all nite diners, etc.  It's amazing and fun, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.  I'll most likely be going out to these events and creating/hosting them for the rest of my life in some capacity.  


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Reply by Chungle


It's a mixed bag these days.

When I was in Baltimore we had one goth scene. They were super elitist, didn't like new people, were shitty to anyone who wasn't on some level of eye candy, and it really turned me off. 

Fast forward 10 years or so I'm in Seattle and the scene is pretty great here and friendly 

However there are bads in all goth scenes I've learned from my friends around the world. Obviously there is a big fetish side to the culture, which is great, but unfortunately leads to some bad seeds. You'll find a lot of creeps in power in it for one thing only. Also seems to big a big problem is underage grooming, not necessarily illegal, but like 50 year olds taking in 18 year olds to their harems. Sorry not sorry but that is still a child.

So watch out for that, but all and all the industrial goth scene can be great, it will depend, all music scenes have elitist, try not to let it get.you down. 

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