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location search needed

Posted by Don Ollis


Forum: SpaceHey Group

Spacehey desperately needs a search by interest AND location feature. I want to search users by zip or city or radius in miles from my zip. I'm a recording engineer in Santa Barbara, CA, 93111.

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Reply by Mario S


I agree! 

One problem could be that until now there has been no way to select a location when you create a profile, so unless all existing users add their location, the system has no idea where anyone even is.

One good option could be a "profile content search" where we could search for any profiles that have a certain word in their profile, so if you searched for santa barbara , you would get a list of all users who put the word "santa barbara " anywhere in their profile, this would let us search for common interests, hobbies, jobs, locations, anything! 
And it would automatically only work with people who are willing to share that about themselves, (unlike pulling the location data from connection details, which im sure some people would dislike indeed) 

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Reply by DarkMiryam


This is a feature that I would appreciate a lot! MySpace had it and it was really useful to find new friends in your same area! 

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