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Videos and Channels with an obvious political motivated content.

Please accept that other people have other Political views and stand points.

Healthy discussions are welcome but nothing else. You will not change someones Political views by debating in 10 min on some random internet forum.

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Reply by Lief Erikson


Second Thought

(1,5M sup)

Left-wing propaganda against capitalism with some very good arguments.

but be aware that his sozial/communist paradise he isĀ envisioning, all though a nice dream, will most likely say a dream. Thats not to say his fight is useless, showing alternatives is always a good thing. But noone will change world capitalism in 10 years. So please stay realistic "shoot capitalism" is not a solution.

Same counts for Capitalistic advocates


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Reply by Lief Erikson


Adam Something

(600K sup)

He looks at "Innovative inventions" from your favorite rich tech bro and why they are utter shit and waist of money.


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