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Posted by Lief Erikson


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channels/videos which fill an extreme niche

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Reply by Lief Erikson


Jim Browning

(3,5M sub) some what call him a White hat hacker, he himself said he is not on a hacker level.

in his usual videos he "falls" for a tech support scam on purpose and later uses the connection established by the scammer to his pc backwards to look through the scammers files trying to stop more ppl getting scammed and report it to the Authorities


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Reply by Lief Erikson


Primer Learning

(1.4M sub)

he plays around with simulations in a nicely rendered for easyer understanding of concepts like free market, natural selection and so on


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Reply by xXxToasted_TreasurexXx


Breabear Jones

She is most known for her Jsab animation series but if you look past that theres some intresting stuff. She mainly does hauls and vlogs but does other stuff aswell. She has like a bunch of alts so go and explore as you'd like.


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Reply by Raine-Bow->



1.94 Mil subs 

A doll customizer YouTuber with a taste for pastel and vibrant character designs that she brings to life by modding (mainly) Monster High Dolls. If you want to get into her best I recommend starting with her Pokémon Eeveelution series.


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