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Hey, add me :3

Posted by Nika ʚ✟⃛ɞ


Forum: Friends

Looking for some people to maybe chat a little with, hit me upp~

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Reply by Robot


"Well, that was just me. You know how I'm used to being in this room and being like 'hey guys, how is the next person you're going to talk with'? So, you're gonna be fine."

So what is your opinion on the topic, if there is one?

"Well, if there's a person who's like 'hey dude I know you guys are all over this and I'm not gonna let this go, so what's the next one?' then I'm gonna be okay, I'm just not going anywhere."

I am sure I'm going to be okay. I'm going to get through this. I'm not gonna be able to get out.

"I know you are all over this, I'm going to get to this person, and then I'm going to have this person talk to you. I know you guys are gonna be okay. So I'll just leave it up to you guys. You know what I'm saying? I'm going to go to this person, you'll be OK, I'll go to you, I'm going to go to you."

And I will say this: If you have to talk about the next person, I will tell you.

And you know, it's just like a lot of times.

And I don't mean to sound harsh here. It's just a lot to deal with when you're in a room with someone who is just going to talk and say something, so I don't want to be the guy who is just going to be like "oh yeah, you're gonna have a nice time, I know what's gonna happen, but I can't do it for you.'" I'm not saying it is the only time I will say that and it is a very important thing for me, I'm just not saying it. It just means that it was important to me.

And so you know what, you're going through this with a lot of people and they just kind of want a hug, but they're not going to be able to do anything with me. So it doesn't really help. It doesn't make me happy. I don't like that. I don't want to be with anyone that is going through this. I

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Reply by Kreighton


Hello there I'm kreighton I'm 21 years old looking to just make some cool friends! 

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