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does anyone know a legit way to make money online?

please don't tell me how to make 10000000 in 10 second

but if you now some legit ways to earn something online feel free to share, i'm currently searching for a job but is a lot hard in my little city so i was thinking about something online, right now i'm selling some print on demand but i don't earn enough to be indipenend, does anyone knows some legit jobs i can do online by myself?

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2 Replies

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Reply by mazelovv


I stumbled upon this wild journey of online gigs too. Selling print on demand is cool, but it takes time to build up. Have you thought about starting a YouTube channel? It's not a get-rich-quick scheme, but with dedication, it can be a steady source of income. Sharing your journey, interests, or expertise can be surprisingly rewarding!

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Reply by simonharison


YouTube it's been a game-changer for me! Started it as a side hustle while job hunting, and the growth has been surprising. Sharing content you're passionate about, using automation tools, and building a community - it's pretty cool! I've been doing print on demand too, and like you, it wasn't quite hitting the mark. But with the YouTube gig, it's been a refreshing change. I create content, set up some automation, and let it roll. It's not just about the money; the engagement and creative outlet are awesome too. So, dive in, explore, and who knows, your youtube automation channel might just become the next big thing! There's a learning curve, of course, but forums like this are gold for tips and tricks

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