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what got you into horror and when?

for me i had always been naturally drawn to horror related things and halloween has always been my favorite holiday but i guess it really picked up when i found the book scary stories to tell in the dark in my elementary school library

anyways i'd love to hear what got everyone else into horror

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Reply by Hatch


God, who even remembers. Scooby doo?

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Reply by sputnik


the gate was my entrypoint, as a young teenager

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Reply by Knightwing_13


The Ring, The Conjuring or Saw I can't remember which I saw first

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Reply by Kat


My parents watched horror movies when I was super young and I would always like the creepier Disney movies as a kid. When I got slightly older (9-10) I started looking for scary books then eventually was allowed to watch horror movies I picked on my own. Jaws was the first I saw, I was only 5! 

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Reply by MeghanICT


My Mom loves horror movies and she started letting me watch them when I was REALLY little. I remember watching several Nightmare on Elm Street movies at our local drive-in when they 1st came out.

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Reply by Brandalyn


I have always loved horror. Literally would scream at the age of three if my mother wouldn't let me watch. Now, I would say I watch 90% horror regardless of show or movie.

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Reply by Shay Wolfe


My grandmother loved horror. She had an entire cabinet of tapes, she recorded from the SciFi channel (back when it was spelled like that) She let me wait Jason, Freddy, you name it. My oldest sister as well. She was 13 years older than me. She rented Faces of Death from movie merchants when I was 5 and let me watch it when she was babysitting me. Apparently that’s what fucked me up. 

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Reply by Kit 𖤐


started watching the saw series when i was 12, never looked back lol

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Reply by ghostie / apollo


a nightmare on elm street !! my dad is a huuuge horror fanatic and we always go to haunted houses and we even do our own haunt every year !! he introduced me to a nightmare on elm street when i was 8, skipping through most of the movie x) but i rewatched it in full recently 

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Reply by Gh0stgxirl


me and my dad used to watch them when i was 7 up until now. turned me into a horror fanatic lol.

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Reply by K3ylarg0


I watched my first chucky movie when I was 11… pretty much went from there… and now I have crushes on villains/horror characters

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Reply by alurixxo


Halloween H2O was my start into the horror scene simply cause that was a BOMB ASS MOVIE

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Reply by mikey


my dad got me into it. when i was younger he'd let me watch dawn of the dead (1978) (i actually watched the argento cut today), fright night (1985), resident evil (2002) all that sorta thing. and on top of that i'd watch things like goosebumps (1995-1998) and angel (1999-2004) (no clue how i was allowed to watch that at 9 y/o but alright). and now i love horror and have watched 6 horror movies since last friday (5 of which were all movies i hadn't seen before at all, and the latest one was just a cut of dawn of the dead that i hadn't seen yet).

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Reply by Finny♡


ooo, tough to remember, but i think it was seeing my first creepypasta and then found fanart of like chucky in the background of a lyrics video for some reason and just decided to watch it, then the rest was history !! >:3

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Reply by yab0y_ray


im 14 so i shouldnt be watching basically any horror movies , but since i was like 7 i liked everything creepy weird and scary so natrually that evolved into liking horror movies, also my dad very much incouraged this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Reply by lucy :D


Probably Night of the Living Dead or The Gate! I watched The Gate when I was 6 and fell in love with horror then. Soon after I watched Night of the Living Dead which made me fall in love with horror more. Plus growing up I watched a lot of Monster High instead of Barbie, Goosebumps, Are You Afraid of the Dark, Haunting Hour, and shows like My Babysitters a Vampire. I guess I always just preferred spooky stuff! :D

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Reply by Amber


my sister she was too scared to watch it alone so would watch it with baby me and it turned into a habit of hers so i grew up with horror meaning its near impossible to get me scared 

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Reply by aba


i would sit and watch really anything with my dad, and he's a big horror buff so that's what i watched when i was younger. and i still do now!

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Reply by kR15


My mom told me it was because my grandma watched horror movies with me on her lap as a baby.

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Reply by 𝕭𝖎𝖙𝖈𝖍 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓


Ever since maybe 7 years old? One of my very first books i’ve ever read as a young child was ‘Helga Hen’s Scary Night’. Then it just spiraled into all kinds of horror movies and splatterpunk books.(though I have to give credit to Bunnicula for igniting my love of vampires) 


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Reply by manhwakiller26


woooo, this question, when i think back to it my first horror film i remember me laughing and screaming with my family when we were watching the The Lazarus Effect back when i was 6 or 7 

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Reply by MrsMoe


In hindsight, there's a lot of hints that I've always been drawn towards horror in some way. As a kid, I was obsessed with Tim Burton movies and when I turned fourteen, I watched Black Swan. It wasn't the first horror movie I ever watched, but it was the first to scare the living shit out of me. And yet for some reason, I was obsessively drawn to it. I would watch selective scenes from it over and over again, especially the ones that disturbed me.

I didn't make horror a huge part of my identity until I turned eighteen, where I realized that horror has always drawn me in for personal reasons. To me, horror is actually the most empathetic genre there is. It can bring internal and societal terrors we do everything to keep hidden into broad daylight. In a weird way, it's helped me understand my own issues and made my perspective on life feel valid.

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Reply by madison


I saw The Shining when I was about seven. Wasn't super creeped out or anything, just instantly hooked. 

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Reply by Genesis


hmmm i wasnt heavy on horror for most of my life honestly, buttttt Saw was my awakening :p

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Reply by James Sigrist



Saw it when I was young and had nightmares for a week. 

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Reply by loVeME


i was 3 when i walked in on
my sister watching friday the
13 and as soon as i walked in
a murder scene came on i
jumped up in down i guess
you could call me a werid kid

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Reply by pascal


the magnus archives lmao. its actually really interesting though because the type of horror really spoke to me! it was sort of philosophical and so interesting, i loved the characters and the world was so rich and fascinating. i kind of attribute TMA as one of the main things that got me on track to dealing with my anxiety, more so than like CBT even lol

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Reply by Xx_spookzprimestr_xX


My parents met because they both worked at haunted houses, so I've pretty much just grown up around horror stuff. Every Fall season since I can remember would be spent at the haunted house my dad continued to work at, and don't get me wrong, I was terrified when I was little, but eventually it became sort of like my happy place. Horror has just been a huge part of my life!

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Reply by Kylee!!


im not gonna lie it was probs because of markiplier's fnaf videos :>

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Reply by Sh1z.z


My grandma sat me in front of the tv and slowly but surely I became just as much of a horror fan as she is <3

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Reply by L0nd0n<3


Ive really always been into horror but ever since i watched scooby-doo and creepshow ive had a connection to it.

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Reply by tyler✩тайлер


it was either FNAF or Supernatural (anyone else know what that is?). ive been obsessed with horror ever since! 

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Reply by ★Dez★


Soo I grew up on a military base and didn't really have a lot going on since I was a really shy kid that mostly stayed inside. During the time we were moving into our housing my brother's collectors edition VHS tape of evil dead 2 somehow made it into my box of Disney movies and I got my hands on it. That was my very first horror movie I've ever watched along with Progeny, I remember watching that tape almost every day of my childhood until I moved out of the housing, I still have it though I don't have my VHS TV anymore :(

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Reply by Grimly


The goosebumps franchise and horror games at a young age   

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Reply by ciddie0


i watched my first 2 horror movies when i was 5-6 ish and they were the woman in black and the babadook although i don't really remember them that well.

i got into horror movies because i used to scroll through the horror genre on apple tv and ask my parents if we could watch one.

also for some reason i loved horror movies but i was scared of fnaf and slenderman??? idek

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Reply by Nobody


When I was younger I watched it in television because there was nothing more interesting at the moment. Then I started using Youtube and I got into scp stuff because it was recomended then I watched ParashockX just because he made comics criticizing Youtube and through him I discovered Meatcanyon. But I can't say what got me to watching horror movies because I don't know. It might be that scary ad that I watched when I was five or that series that made me fear sponges for years or maybe the fact that I was scared many times in my life and I wanted to stop being paralized from fear so I started watching it to harden my immunity when I was twelve. So in short I dunno

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Reply by onyx413


idk when but its when i first heard about hausu (using the romaji to clear up confusion) through a video. i was enthralled and a day later i watched the whole movie.

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Reply by Jessica Peden


All I remember was, when I was about 6-7 I loved watching Scooby Doo but it just wasn't scary enough for me. The first horror movie I ever watched that got me hooked onto it was Friday the 13th.

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Reply by GardenGnostcc


Sometime when I was 2 or 3 I watched coraline for the first time and I’ve been obsessed with horror since

I even dressed up as coraline for Halloween when I was 3 lol

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Reply by trixiegutz


Idk i got into like FNAF when i was 8 and grew up watching like the nostalgic ahh Mangle x Foxy stuff and didn't really go into the spooky territory. Fast foward to when I was 11 i got into FNAF again and i was like super into gore+horror. Still am lmao, but on a whole other level. 

i am proud to say i'm also a horror artist :3

i highly recommend analog horror for ppl who can't handle realistic gore/horror content <3

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Reply by CJ


Ok so my mom literally taught me to like horror.  She loves it and my dad hates it so when I was like 4 my mom started watching horror movie with me, the first horror movie I ever watched was Chucky Returns bc my mom had a behind the scenes so I could know it was all fake.  After that I ended up being addicted, now I watch horror movies even my mom is scared of lmao

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Reply by CJ


Ok so my mom literally taught me to like horror.  She loves it and my dad hates it so when I was like 4 my mom started watching horror movie with me, the first horror movie I ever watched was Chucky Returns bc my mom had a behind the scenes so I could know it was all fake.  After that I ended up being addicted, now I watch horror movies even my mom is scared of lmao

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Reply by 𝕵𝕬𝕸𝕰𝕾


When I was a reallyyyyyy little kid my parents took me to a local haunted hayride (spooky ik right) well anyways, I got the shit scared out of me. I came out screaming and crying in a state of panic. And for some reason that just triggered something, ever since then I've had an obsession with being scared and ended up going back the next year and had the time of my life XD

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Reply by StonielΘΔ


idk i always was just drawn to it. i wasnt shelterd from literally any content as a child [for better or for worse its worse] and so i always just watched them since childhood

one of my fav moviez growin up, before i was even in elementry, was fuckin Poltergeist 1982

so its hard to say what was the first but im glad for it, grew up with this stuff and it feels ingrained into my life now. love horror ! :3

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Reply by m4rs


I was superrrr sheltered from horror growing up until Halloween night when I stayed at a mates house and he showed me the movie trick. Not the most beginner friendly horror but after that I was fucking hooked 

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Reply by 𝓖𝓞𝓣3𝓘𝓒


Me being at like 8 years old and watching movies with my sister I think the first one we ever watched was saw

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Reply by legenda


i was always into spooky stuff but would only read creepypastas/watch paranormal footages and read true crime stories bc i was too scared to watch horrors lmao. 

ive only started around 2018 when i found ice nine kills through your numbers up and their music turned me into a full time horror watcher. id' already watched the scream franchise years prior since i didn't find it scary but that was it. i'm still fresh to the genre with little time to catch up with all the classics there are but i love it  

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Reply by will


Truth or Dare (2017) was my gateway only because I recognized Cassie Scerbo from Sharknado.

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Reply by MossyCoffin


My dad. When I was around 4-5, he showed me Krampus. I know it isn't a really scary movie, but in my little brain I thought it was the scariest and coolest thing out there and bam, horror lover. also I watched the autopsy of jane do when I was around 7-8, so that also helped.

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Reply by dogguy


Definitely horror animes and old jrpgs that I watched/played in middle school.

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