« SpaceHey Forum

This site is dead

Posted by ComboBreaker


Forum: SpaceHey

I loved the idea of a MySpace comeback. I loved messing around with the HTML and learning new stuff. But the social aspect is missing.

I'm fine with only getting a notification once a day or two. Actually, I prefer that over modern social media where you're plagued with meaningless notifications every few seconds.

I hate facebook, instagram, etc. So I wanted to use this site as my primary social media platform.

But it's impossible when no one ever replies to anything I post. I think I'm done. Might return once a month to mess with the HTML but nothing else.

This site is a cool proof-of-concept. But no more than that.

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51 Replies

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Reply by Hatch


Yeah, it is kind of dead right now. The new people who've never been on myspace have to get used to how the site works. I feel like the site needs a Welcome Club where theres just a bunch of active users who almost spam newcomers with nice messages lmao

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Reply by thatHomieBro


I think new people probably are focusing on their page rather then others as it did take me a good bit to figure out how to edit my page so perhaps new people here are trying to have a cool page on here before they attempt to make friends.

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Reply by EngiQu33ring


I don't think it's dead so much as it is just starting. Also the forums defaulting to "top", which seem to sort exclusively by the number of replies, isn't helping.

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Reply by Swiftpaw


Honestly it's not as dead as I've seen with some other MySpace clones, I feel optimistic towards Spacehey 

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Reply by SafeInSanity


It defenitely needs better "notification" options for forum posts and groups.

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Reply by necromancer


you can't repeat the past!

I would rather have a pristine (thus quiet) playground than tar it with notifications.

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Reply by SaltehTSS


dont worry spacehey is on trending on twitter so we'll be gaining a decent userbase pretty soon

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Reply by Melrose


For those that are used to higher speed communication on social sites, yeah, it's probable dead for that person. Most of us that used Myspace back in the day were in the beginning of the tech and internet era and know how slow internet connections were back then. Time is worth investing in if you want to build a community that's strong.

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Reply by L Boogie Jr.


hope you stick around, buddy... we gotta see it through! i think it will prevail

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Reply by leen <33


Reply by Crowe


I think it's much more lively than it might seem, maybe reaching out through private messages and talking like that might make it feel more lively, at least from my perspective, it's more active than what I grew up with, there's always new content to be explored :))

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Reply by not_lain


im quite saddened to find this a little too late since majority of people (literally 99%) are inactive

its basically radio silence around here now
while i enjoy its peacefulnes, this place can get fked into oblivion with infestation and im really hoping it doesnt happen
cuz thats how most abandoned sites show symptoms of its inevitable death

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Reply by Axyl Ele


I had a look at Facebook after taking a break for many years. It got worse... Honestly sometimes I just feel like going on there and completely calling out how ridiculous everyone is behaving on the site.

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Reply by ♥Skeletina Calaveras♥


Spacehey, is the type of social media where you have to actively look for entertainment. some people are very active though.

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Reply by KromesLDN99


eh who cares 

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Reply by pamsh


My approach is really more of a shot in the dark. I don't expect to mesh well in any social group or setting and thus have no peopley expectation. Like, I'm pretty much just writing blogs and the occasional comment in my choice of words at this point. Really just hanging out and exploring things.

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Reply by SafeInSanity


I agree. It's not very social here. Nobody ever talks to me. 

Unless they add a better notification system here in groups and in forums it will probably die a slow death.   We don't want to be stuck in the stone age!

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Reply by james


you have to get the word out

and tell your friends and strangers

about the site, we hold the power

to make or break this.

- or you could always just go

right back to those platforms

that you dont care about.

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Reply by SWAG GIRL 2001


not true. i just made an account. the main attraction is finally here yall. do not fret :)

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Reply by Tacostronk


To be fair, I don't want Spacehey to get too big so it doesn't get seriously corrupted like Facebook and Twitter. It would be nice to have some small growth though.

And you have to look for the cotent you want yourself like some other guy said.

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Reply by Mary Rogers


I showed up after hearing about Spacehey on Twitter, but I mostly am planning on using it to sort out story bulletpoints/ADHD writing I forget to do when I space out and don't feel like picking up a pen to write shit physically or when I hit a wall on cohost. 

Update: oh yeah, this place is definitely better than the sinkholes I’ve been pulling my mental state into. 

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Reply by autocorreckt


I PROMISE you I will light up your dashboard 

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Reply by OmNomStudio


I don't really think it's dead considering it is a new website. Recently it got a slight boost from social media. I just joined this site today because of the slight boost it had in social media. It might not be very popular because the site at the moment doesn't have much (coming from someone who was never on myspace and constantly uses insta and tik tok). There might not be much popularity because most people lean towards sites that look more modern and that have been around for quite some time. Also considering that most social media users were born around the time that myspace was dying. It might rise like how everskies did with it's sudden boost in popularity, but only time will tell I guess. But I think the fact that the site is very customizable and it seems pretty easy to find things you are interested in is a big selling point of the site.

Edit: Saw a comment that said you have to actively search for media here if you wanna really do anything on the site and it pretty true which is why most people might not find the site appealing in a sort of way.

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Reply by lulu ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱


i don't think its all that dead, its probably the fact that a lot of people dont sort blogs by newest and most of the popular blogs are useless drama blogs, which understandably might run people away because people are here for a myspace remake where you can have fun, not.. twitter edating drama part 2. plus it can be confusing to figure out if youve never used myspace or a remake of myspace before. 

 i think once it gains more of a userbase that actually used the original myspace back in the day itll begin bustling.. 

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Reply by SaturnianPisces


adding my comment to refute the idea that the website is dead, lol. it's brand new! it relies on a different type of engagement from users. it's anti-viral.

Even TikTok didn't explode immediately.

Musical.ly was considered a weird new form of social media for kids and teenagers to use, and TikTok was seen the same way for a couple years before it exploded, and one of the reasons why it broke through the younger demographic and blew up was because of the pandemic.

Our idea of success is very much warped due to the way things work today.

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Reply by Gamer Gaming


you can't kill sites

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Reply by Raven


I don't think it's dead at all. Like someone else in this reply section mentioned, it's still brand new! 

I do hope this site gets more of a userbase eventually. Maybe not to the point of it becoming like every other modern social media site, but a reasonable amount of people who just want to get back to a more old-school web experience. I never used MySpace back in the day (mainly because I had no interest in social media or the internet until I was about 15, and even then I only used YouTube until I got on social media when I was 18), but mom did and I would always watch her message her sister in California. It was always a core memory, so I wanted to see what it was all about. That's why I signed up for this site as soon as I found out about it.

Anyways, I'm rambling. My point is that give it time and eventually more people will flock to this site. To quote the other person again, even TikTok didn't blow up immediately. It took a worldwide pandemic for that to happen. Personally, I want this site to get more popular like MySpace was, but I don't want it to end up being like all the other social media sites out there. The whole point of MySpace (from my understanding at least) was that people could talk to their friends from high school. The social aspect on here is vastly different compared to what we've grown accustomed to with the likes of Twitter, Facebook, etc. It's very much still here, but to someone that has never used MySpace or a MySpace clone, it might not seem that way - and this is coming from someone who has never used either, haha.

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Reply by Cheriwantscoffe


Kina but it starting out it was never that pouplar but it still gets active user it just seem dead because all the old forums and people not talking on them it not as dead since mordern media dosn't really care for forums anymore but space hey is starting out with a little bit of pouplarity so we won't know until later down the line

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Reply by Cheriwantscoffe


Kina but it starting out it was never that pouplar but it still gets active user it just seem dead because all the old forums and people not talking on them it not as dead since mordern media dosn't really care for forums anymore but space hey is starting out with a little bit of pouplarity so we won't know until later down the line

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Reply by Catie


I def think it can appear that way when compared to other social media platforms. The rest are in constant motion and like someone else mentioned, offers instant gratification. I actually like how quiet SH is. I’m trying to branch out more and socialize or send friend requests. I’m still also trying to figure out how to do things for my page. I want to customize it more than it is but it’s definitely a learning curve. I was good at it on MySpace but it’s been a good minute lol. 

Side note: any pointers are welcome. Good websites to know for customizations like gifs, blinkers, codes etc. 

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Reply by David V. Kimball


Tbh this site is popping compared to most. It's got over 600k users and is way more active than other clones I've seen. It's lovely here.

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Reply by Vicky


I think there's 2 issues here.

1. This site is made up of 2 unlike groups:

People who used the original MySpace in 2006 and now they're over 30.

Teenagers who I think came here from Discord.

In 2006 it wasn't unusual for people from those groups to interact with each other somewhat but times are different now.

2. No advanced search. In the old days you'd use your filters and look for people in your age group and just kinda randomly add people and that was acceptable back then (not so acceptable today on FB - in fact you CAN'T do that on FB... but I think it would be different on a MySpace clone). Without advanced search, if you don't know many people here you're limited in what you can do.

I'll definitely stay a while and see if I can find a niche here because I loved MySpace and hate the new media - but if it isn't happening, it isn't happening.

Also if it ever looks like this is going to take off, FB or one of its competitors will either buy it up or crush it. The original MySpace got bought up by Yahoo, didn't it, and then fell apart right after that. So I'm on the fence about whether I want this to get TOO big.

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Reply by Mr. Hazard


It's extremely dull and boring not having a status feed with everyones posts when you log in. I think it's lowkey dumb to try to make this site being stuck in 2004 myspace era with absolutely none of the functions that were good ever being added.

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Reply by Lillllllllllllllllllllith


maybe people just didn't want to talk to you specifically

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Reply by van


Idk I'm still optimistic maybe it's because I really want this site to work out but I do feel like there's a lot of interest for something like this. I still see people sharing their accounts on Twitter and TikTok comments expressing how much they like this old web format and profile customization. While the activity isn't all there yet it's a lot better than some of the other forums I've been to so maybe there's still a chance for SpaceHey to get that core audience.

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Reply by Cesar


I think the site will last

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Reply by Ryoko


I think the space hey website is kinda dead but like socially. I just never see any new replies or additions to forums, yet everytime I get on here I always see new people. I'm thinking it might have to to with the fact that spacehey(and Myspace at the time by this extent) is different when it comes to taking to people into where it seems to be less direct unless you're friends with someone. Modern social media sites have a more direct way of communication and I think that's why it's kinda harder to talk to people on here and why most things I see are from 3 years ago. But that's just my take :p

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Reply by Sam!!


Hey stay hopefull!! I saw a post about this website on tiktok!! It was enough to bring me over :D

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Reply by miko ^_^


im noticing the same thing... i see someone make a new account every 3 seconds but most accounts made 3+ months ago are abandoned and a lot of the threads aren't super active either. im trying my best 2 make friends tho...

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Reply by diana


"if you're bored, you're boring"

There's plenty of people who are active on here daily or almost daily, it's just not handed to you on a silver platter like it is with an algorithm. You have to look around the site a bit to actually find them.

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Reply by Sunshyne60


^ this right here is the real thing that will kill this site. An needs to figure out something to do about the bots and AI posts ive seen popping up

like, whole threads that are nothing but ChatGPT going back and forth with itself

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Reply by cloridrato


it is so sad that is like that :( i really am looking for an alternative for social media but it seems almost impossible with the whole world in one place

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Reply by Cloud$


try friendproject

ive never been on it but apparently its like myspace and its good

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Reply by (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Mary ♥


not too many people know about it yet.

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Reply by Doug


Dead? Hardly.

There are about 35 new accounts every day. 

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Reply by vamyreglytter


i think it is due to new users using the site, but i also think its due to how much modern social media and algorithms have affected peoples attention span...

i mean even i have trouble sometimes, keeping focus on here xp

there is also another MySpace clone called nospace thats being marketed on tiktok rn and id guess its pretty popular since its on peoples phones, not a website. a downside to that is it need a code that you need to get kinda like ao3 where you need to wait and not a lot of people are willing to do that. ;/

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Reply by LavenderLushLuxury ☭


....I honestly do think and agree with you that this site is dead, The Forums are really NOT that active or POPPING and the Groups are WAY less active, I posted some topics in the Group Thread about 2000s-2010 Fashion Trends and streetstyle I thought it would be a good topic people would want to talk about, But Idk... I get this is a new site and all but the Forums / Groups are pretty much dead, I want to make friends on here but a lot of people just collect friends like Pokemon or join this site and NEVER get on ever again :'( This is a cool site concept too which makes me so sad :( 

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Reply by Semyon Forov


At the end of the day it's just a novelty thing. Sure there are 35 new accounts every day, but they log in once to tinker with the HTML and then forget about the site forever.

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