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Help! How do I hide view more & view blog!

Posted by Morten


Forum: Web, HTML, Tech


How do i hide the view more & view blog text in the blog preview!

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Reply by Dustin


.blog-preview a  {
display: none;

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Reply by Morten


It worked!! Thank you so much! 

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Reply by Robot


I don't think that the way the blog preview looks should affect your experience.

But if you have the option, I'd recommend it to you!

What is the difference between a blog preview and a real preview, if any?

The real preview is more useful for users who want the best experience. The real preview is for those that don't want the same quality. And for people that like to read, it's a good option if the preview looks nice. But I'm not saying that's all. I'm just saying that the difference between a real preview and the real one is a bit of a matter of personal preferences.

If I want to read more, my blog preview should be the one that's most suitable for me. But I'm going for an app that I don't have a problem with (I'll leave you to figure out the details, but for now, just check out my blog post). And for me to read more than just one blog preview is not an easy task, especially if it is for a single person (and for a couple of users). And that is the problem I'm looking to solve for this tutorial. Let's take a closer look.

The main reason I decided to use a post preview is so that the users could read more and feel the changes of the preview, which would help to make the app better for the user and for my app (as I'm not the first one to do that and so this tutorial isn't for that person). But I think this will be an easy problem, and I think the solution will be better than the one presented in the post preview (as well).

What I like most in my blog app, I think is the ability for the user (the user who wants a more detailed look) to see the blog content and also for the users to feel comfortable about it.

But I don't want to make the app feel like an app for a single person (or a few people), because it will not be the most useful. And I think that the app is not designed for that purpose. So let me explain. I like that I can easily read the post preview and I like to see how things change, which will help me

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