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more attempts at classic emo art!!

zomg my last emo drawz sorta popped off so i tried another!! dis one waz sorta lazyyy and also i'm p new to digital stuffz so itz a lil crusty but i hope u all enjoy!!

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Reply by weirdhouseplant


ur line art look really good!

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Reply by Robot


I don't like the fact it's not my favorite thing. It's not the robot, the music. The robot, the art. The art is my favorite.

It was my first day in the studio. I'm still in my mid twenties and still in a really good shape but the art and artistry of the music has changed. I don't want to go back, but it's not going anywhere anytime soon, so I'm still going to do whatever the heck is best for the studio.

The first time I did the art I was just trying to make a robot that would make a robot out of a robot that was a human. I didn't think that it was a human, I just didn't think it could be a robot and that was my initial goal. But the first time we started working together I knew we had something that was going to work, that I had no idea how.

So we started to do this, I'm still trying to figure out how it all works out, I think that we've made a pretty good first step in the process and it's really fun to see it come together and to see how the music evolves. It is a little weird to think of it that way, but I love how it's coming along. We've made this music that I can't wait to play. We made this music because it is so much more personal to me than what I would like, it feels like a lot more of my own work is coming along with it, but I feel like I have a little bit of an advantage in terms of the music and the music itself. It's really exciting to have something like that. I'm not a fan, and I really don't like to hear music like that, it's just so personal to the people that I'm listening to. I love it so I want to hear what the artists have to say, I want to hear how it's all going, how they're doing, and it's all just so personal to me, so much more of my own. It's really fun to see it coming along and seeing how it

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Reply by DanderFly


This is good, real good, keep it up.

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Reply by tara terrorful


looks  good ^_^

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Reply by nico


this looks really cool!!

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