Heya! I figured we should have some forum activity to liven this place up, and what better way to get the ball rolling than with one of the most basic questions you can ask somepony: Whose your favorite and why? This question isn't limited to G4, and if you find it too difficult to pick just one, that just means others will get to know you better.
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Favorite pony and why?
My favorite is none other than Purple Smart, AKA Twilight Sparkle. And the reason for that is probably the same for a lot of people who like her best: She's practically my spirit animal (heh). Like her, I'm an introvert with a preference for books over people. Being social doesn't come naturally to me, but I've been working on it over the years.
I don't like Twilly best just because she's a lot like me, though. There are also traits in her that I admire and would like to see in myself. She's not only intelligent, but clever as well. And she never loses her fascination with the world and desire to learn more about it.
I'll also say that my second favorite is Rarity. I didn't like her a lot to begin with, but she grew on me as the show progressed. I love her dedication to her craft and her love for her friends and Ponyville. The episodes that focus on her are some of my favorites.