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did anyone here ever chat on vampirefreaks?

was it a cool site to meet people on? got any stories you can remember? i wasn’t on there but it looked like a site sort of similar to myspace for alternative people, so i’m intrigued to know about it.

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Reply by Squirrel


Oh yeah. It was a bit different. The clothing store is still around. But essentially it was an alternative based MySpaceΒ 

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Reply by ShutUpGabe


I had one up until the moment it shutdown, I Still have friends I talk to from there, Rip VF

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sadly i got groomed on vf (i was 15) by two adult men, luckily it didn't escalate to meeting up with them. didn't make any long-lasting friends but i was a mod in a "cult" lol~

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Reply by Elle Diablo


saw a similar comment but I was also groomed as a 15 year old. One of them sent me a friend request on Facebook. I clicked the block button right awayΒ 

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Reply by kieren Cγ‚³:彑


echoing the earlier comment that VF was basically an alterantive/goth version of myspace. i'd say it more or less functioned the same way except there was more emphasis on the emo/goth/alt subculture. i remember that the etiquette for adding people and talking to them worked pretty much the exact same way as myspace, too. i was soooo upset when i went to make a new account some months ago only to learn that the social media aspect had been done away with and is only an online store now :,[

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