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The SpaceHey Roller Coaster Thread


Any other coaster nerds here yet?

If so, what are your top 10 rollercoasters all around the world? 

My Top ten

  1. Zadra
  2. Untamed
  3. Taron
  4. Hyperion
  5. Ride to Happiness
  6. F.L.Y
  7. Shambhala
  8. Helix
  9. Lech
  10. Nemesis 

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Reply by reedread


I'm a total coaster nerd, and I love your top 10 list! Zadra and Untamed are such adrenaline-pumping rides, and Taron's theming is off the charts. Hyperion and F.L.Y are on my bucket list for sure. Also, shoutout to Shambhala, it's a hidden gem! Have you been to any fun theme parks lately? I recently checked out some in the US.

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