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What is punk to you? Like what does it mean to you and why do you consider yourself punk?(im posting this bc this group is kinda dry at the moment)

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Reply by ThatPunkGay


Having the Punk mindset, Anti-Conformist anti-Capitialist anti-Government & Progressive. As well as being pro-riot

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Reply by SadieSolitary


Raging at the machine. Always angry. Never conforming to society. Music is everything. 

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Reply by Martemona


Loving other people! Fighting for a better future for all 

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Reply by Sean


I'm pretty sure I might be the oldest person in this group at the age of 33. That's a great thing, since I was worried spacehey would be full of nostalgic aging millennials like me who missed old school myspace. ANYWAY

Let me tell you about Screaming Lord Sutch. He was a working class kid from London in the early 60's who can legitamately claim to be first shcok rock / goth / punk. His early tunes were kind of like Monster Mash style rock n roll, but earlier than that Halloween record.

The tight assed BBC wouldn't play his music, so he took over an abandoned sea-fort in Thames Estuary. The original purpose of the Shivering Sands gun towers was to shoot Nazi airplaines. Sutch got a shitty old generator out of an old bomber plane, powered it with some car batteries and started his own pirate radio station.

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Reply by MorgueILJ


For me, it's all about non-conformity, not only in terms of not conforming to the capitalist society we live in but it's also about not conforming to society and it's expectations they put on you, to control you, to make themselves feel better while trying to drain your entire personality and sense of self, punk is freedom in rage.

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Reply by em0c0r3_n3rd


A punk to me is: just someone who doesn’t care of anything. Follows the DYI ethic with the shizz they do:) sorry if this sounds vague but it’s my thought of what really is a ounk

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Reply by ★AmazingLucas★


why are all of ya'll 50 years old

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Reply by nucg5040


first and foremost listen to punk rock, with politics close behind & aesthetics is third

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Reply by Kirill punk


Hello, fellow punk rockers! I have my own Telegram channel called https://t.me/shizoposting , where you will find an abundance of fascinating recordings about musicians of the rock genre and much more. Join us!

Привет, друзья панк-рокеры! У меня есть собственный канал в Telegram под названием https://t.me/shizoposting, где вас ожидает обилие увлекательных записей о музыкантах рок-жанра и многом другом. Присоединяйтесь к нам!

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Reply by RandomCactus


Punk to me is not conforming. Aesthetically, musically, politically. Everything. You're against the establishment, you fight against the systems that keep people down, and you look fucking cool doing it. Even if you do something small to protest, if you can't do a full on riot or take out the guillotine every Saturday, just a little malicious compliance can be punk.

Punk to me is being afraid of the system because of what it can do and still pushing back in your own way. When we all work together, when we all fight for our rights and the rights of our brothers, sisters, and anything in between or outside of that - that's punk.

And that's what I am. Or at least, what I aspire to be.

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Reply by AvIK


Punk is:
Style, Music, Ideology and doing somthing to change word to better.
Somthing what is difffrent from "normal" somthing that is "wierd"(includes opinions about things in the word). Not accepting what is happening in the word (capitalism, police agression, racism, homophobia, transphobia etc.)
but also having fun, making friends and a live style.
this is what I am as a punk and what I think punk is
//I want to apologise if I said somthing wrong english is not my first language

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