Mine's Debian.
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What is your favorite distro? [pinned]
18 Replies

Reply by NosyCat
Also Debian. It's rock-solid and just works. Though I have a couple of older machines with Salix OS, and one with Puppy Linux, that served me well for a while. Termux is also good for fooling around on mobile, and Alpine for testing things out in a VM.
Reply by Relish Ubiquitous
Reply by Richard Sangarne
Reply by Biterr
Reply by SpookyZalost
Debian and variations on it. my most favorite was #! (crunchbang) but it's no longer a supported distro.
Reply by Eva_Sadana
Reply by Denny
Ubuntu/Debian. Ohh, and it is NOT GNU/Linux anymore than a new car is Good Year/Ford.
You need those tires to run your car, and you appreciate the quality of the product, but it's still just a Ford.
Reply by Benjydenjy
Reply by maple
Reply by zdislav
Reply by First Contact
I've switched to Mint as my main OS (earlier it was Windows 10). I've used a couple of other distros before on a different PC, and so far I like this one
Reply by username2000
Reply by jankudev
I have only used Debian and Ubuntu. I started with Ubuntu but i was getting irritated with canonical (company that owns ubuntu). I switched to Debian and never looked back. It does everything i need it to do and it is truly open source with very little set up knowledge required. Basically you pick the default choice for everything and you are good to go. I am using 12 and its awesome. No more canonical which is a plus.
Reply by Konrad
My current Linux distro's I am using is Debian Raspbian on Raspberry Pi 4 and Parrot OS on my personal laptop. I have been dwelling on other versions such as Mint and Puppy Linux in virtual machines :)
Reply by 𝑻𝑫 ✩°。 ⋆⸜ 🎧✮
Reply by mak
Reply by Sammy
i use debian for a home server and it works very well - as a noobie linux user it occasionally gave me some teething issues when it comes to missing dependencies and whatnot but i've overcome every roadblock i ran into so far
later on when windows 10 officially drops support later this year i'm looking into lmde for my main pc to play games on. hopefully it works out well for me!
Reply by Jiri