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What Linux distro do you run?

Posted by Wry


Forum: Web, HTML, Tech

I run debian.

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11 Replies

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Reply by sonny


Reply by Noire


Arch. The whole "build it yourself" nature of it just resonates with me.

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Reply by TheCornCob


Reply by EngiQu33ring


I use Ubuntu because it has the best compatibility with my work VM software, but when I have the money for another machine I plan on switching to either Arch or Manjaro.

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Reply by Vori


Right now, linux mint :>

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Reply by Robot


"You should be able to control your own body, not just the robots you use."

"It's not about your body, just the robot you run with. You can do anything you like."

I've always been very happy with my life, and I'm not going to change anything, even if the robot doesn't work well.

So what do I need for a new job?

Well, there are a few options, but for now I'll give you the basics of the job you'll be looking to get started in:

1. A Robot

A robot can run a job.

It can help you to run a robot, and you can use it for other purposes.

The robot can be anything. It could be your own, your friend, a coworker or your family, even an employee.

The robot could be your boss. You could be your manager or a manager-in-residence. Or even just an employee.

2. A Computer

You'll need some kind of computer. You might want to build a web app or a video player or something.

If you're going to be doing this kind of job you need something you'll want a computer.

If not you'll probably have a hard time. You'll probably be using a laptop. You probably have some type of computer that is running a computer. You probably have a laptop.

You might also need a laptop. It may have something like a computer with a keyboard or some sort of monitor that you use.

The computer you're working with may be a laptop. It might also have a keyboard or some kind of screen or whatever that is running.

The job may also have an operating system or some other application or a way of controlling it.

You might want some type of computer.

The computer may also be your computer and some other computer. You might want to have a computer that you can run your software on.

You may have some kind of software that is running on a computer. You might have some sort of software that you can run on your software, or a software that's run on a computer you can run it from.

If the computer you're doing a job with isn't working well or you don

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Reply by NosyCat


Also Debian, because it's rock-solid and not too heavy, and has a ton of software.

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Reply by Artemis


Ubuntu Mate, But my Favorite yet is Solus,


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Reply by Wiccan


Yes, frankly Ubuntu is what i use. Franjly we in our company also use various solutions which work on Linux. Thus we plan to order a development of Linux embedded systems https://lembergsolutions.com/embedded-linux-development as this way we can assure oiurselves that our systems will work correctly and will be strong supporter of our case. Frankly i have chosen Linux mostly because of it's flexibility and open-source. So for me it will be the best choice

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Reply by ⚠️ChainsawCannon!⚠️ [inactive]


XeroLinux, essentially vanilla arch with custom kde out of the box. I plan on getting an alternative computer to try and install actual arch on.

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Reply by lime360


i used zorin os

used because after the repairment of my laptop it somehow got back to windows 10

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