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For those who don't know what a Starseed is

(This is a copy/paste from a piece of an article explaining what Starseeds are. It was written by Jade Scarfone. The title is, "Am I A Starseed?")

What is a Starseed?

A Starseed is said to be an advanced spiritual being. Originating from other planets and realms and possessing spiritual and scientific knowledge dating back hundreds of thousands of years.

From most of the information I have gathered it is said that Starseeds are souls travelling from other planets. They are incarnated on Earth to inspire and heal human beings. To bring light and knowledge that will uplift the human race. And are here to participate in awakening others’ consciousness to help the planet’s evolution.

Starseeds will agree to come to Earth to fulfill their mission. However when they get here, they are made to forget their true origins. And many go through their existence on Earth without knowing where their souls really came from. They forget their homes and their missions, but once they awaken they will see clearly what they must do. That’s when they start to live out their purpose.

This is exactly the experience I’ve been gradually having over the last 5 years since leaving the corporate world behind. And it’s definitely amplified in the last few months as I fully woke up to my mission.

“The cosmos are within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.” ~ Carl Sagan

How Do You Know if You Are a Starseed?

Ever looked up at the stars and felt a longing to be up there, perhaps you’ve been referred to as an ‘old soul’, or you’ve just never quite felt like you fit in here on Earth? It’s quite possible you’re a Starseed.

Here’s 16 signs that might indicate you’re a Starseed.

1. Knowing or Recognition

Chances are, when you came across the word Starseed, it drew you in somehow. You might not have been able to explain it, but you just had this feeling that you needed to know more. That’s definitely what happened to me. And whilst I ignored the first few nudges, eventually it became way too obvious and I had to pay attention. And as soon as I started digging, the voice inside me was saying ‘yes you’ve remembered’.

2. You’re constantly gazing at the stars

If ever you’ve looked up at the night sky and felt a connection with a bright planet or glowing cluster of stars, you might be feeling your soul’s connection to a past or future life. Given that you came from stardust and have been infused with divine light, you might feel this connection deeply in your bones. Is this an illusion? Or are you born from a distant star, a true descendant of a faraway light-body or planet, a Starseed?

This definitely felt true for me. Whenever I look at the stars, it’s not just with wonder and awe, but a sense of belonging. And I remember one experience in particular. We were camping by the beach in the middle of nowhere and we did take some acid. And all I can remember is staring at the stars the entire night, and at one point I felt myself outside of my body and looking back down on myself from above. And I felt like I was home. It was one of the most magical experiences and has always stuck with me.

3. You’re always looking at things more deeply

Not too long ago I wrote an article about whether or not we should question our entire existence. These are questions that had been bubbling up inside me for a long time, but I was always too afraid to voice them. When I was younger I would ask questions and get shut down, so eventually I just stopped asking. But deep down I was always still wondering ‘why’ things were the way they were. If you’re a wisdom seeker, often wondering why things are the way they are, chances are you’re a Starseed.

4. You often feel like you don’t belong

This has absolutely rung true for me. I never quite fit in. As a child I was quite loud, adventurous, and outspoken. But once I got to school I went into a shell. I became the shy, quiet girl. More of an observer than a participator. I had friends but I always knew there was something different about me. And I didn’t quite know how to interact. As I got older, I found it harder and harder to fit in. I just wasn’t interested in most of the things ‘normal’ people my age were. I felt much more comfortable in my own company and really struggled to integrate. Along the way I’ve found a community of ‘souls’ that get me and it’s like I found a home.

5. You have this feeling that you want to go home

No matter where you are, it just never really feels like ‘home’. I draw a lot of messages from the music I’m drawn to at any given time. And it’s interesting some of the songs that have really stuck with me in recent years were ones talking about going home.

Like ‘Home’ by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros

Interestingly, the lyrics even have my name in them.

“Ah, home, let me come home
Home is wherever I’m with you
Ah, home, let me come home
Home is wherever I’m with you

La, la, la, la, take me home
Daddy, I’m coming home

Jade, Alexander”

And ‘Take Me Home Country Roads’ by John Denver

“I hear her voice in the mornin’ hour, she calls me
The radio reminds me of my home far away
Drivin’ down the road, I get a feelin’
That I should’ve been home yesterday, yesterday

Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong
West Virginia, mountain mama
Take me home, country roads”

Like I’ve always known my true home was far away from here. I’ve spent a lot of my life travelling, always in search of something more. In a way I guess I was looking for my home.

6. You’re very intuitive and psychic

Ok, so I haven’t gone full blown psychic yet. I know the potential is there the more I make the space to tune into my guides. But I’m definitely very intuitive. There’s been so many times in my life where I have just had a feeling about something and not been able to explain why. Especially my judgements around people. I would instantly know I didn’t like someone. And this often made others think I was judgemental until the person eventually revealed their true nature. And in the last few years I’ve followed the craziest whims with no real explanation, except a deep sense of knowing, and they’ve always turned out to be the best decisions.

7. You’re extremely empathic

To the point where it’s hard to be out in public. You feel everything and everyone and that can become incredibly overwhelming at times. Have you ever watched the episode of Charmed where Prue takes on the empath powers by accident? Her head is then full of everyone’s pain and it’s too much for her to handle. That’s what it can be like sometimes. Which causes you to want to stay away from crowds.

8. Animals and babies are drawn to you

This is so true. And the funny part is, growing up I was never particularly fond of either. But for some reason kids and animals would always gravitate towards me. There could be a bunch of us in a room and dogs would always come to me even though I expressed my disdain for them. And babies always look at me.

9. You’re spiritual

You’re not really one for organised religion. But anything New Age or woo-woo and you’re all over it. This is definitely true for me. Whilst my family is Catholic and I grew up in that faith, I never really bought into it. And I basically denounced my religion in my early 20’s and refused to go back to church after that. But I do believe in divinity, other realms, the mysteries of the universe, cosmos etc. And I’m always on a quest to learn more about this. Shelves full of books, videos, articles, podcasts.

10. You love a bit of fantasy and mysteries of the world

You name it, I’ve looked into it. I’ve also always been drawn to the fantasy worlds of witches, wizards, fairies, and mermaids. Ancient worlds, the Pyramids, Stonehenge, Atlantis. Then I started to learn about quantum physics, astrology, numerology, psychic abilities, tarot and oracle cards. The list goes on and on, and I just can’t get enough.

11. You’ve been referred to as an old soul

I used to get this all the time. When other kids were out playing, I preferred to be reading books or studying. I was always thirsty for knowledge. Always in my own little world. And I always felt like I was far older, even though I was actually the younger one in most of my circles (because I have a November birthday). People also tend to come to me for advice on all kinds of things, even if they’re older, because I just seem to have the right answers.

12. You don’t have time for pettiness

People that get upset about the dumbest things in life bother you. Or you find the things that interest people to be incredibly mundane. For instance, you’re not interested in numbing out on alcohol or watching TV. This can lead to a lot of misunderstanding. People think you’re aloof and believe you are better than everyone else. While you shake your head, wondering why they don’t seek more profound meaning and invest time in self-improvement. You live beyond the plain old 3D world and find yourself having an aversion to being concerned with the materialistic part of life so many others are obsessed with.

13. You know you’re here for a purpose but you struggle to pinpoint it

This was me for such a long time. I just knew there had to be more to life than what society told us. Go to school, get a job, buy a house, build a family. It all felt so restrictive and nauseating. I wanted to be free. I wanted to do what I wanted to, be spontaneous. Not wake up every day knowing the rest of my life was going to be exactly the same. I knew I was here for a greater purpose, but for such a long time I couldn’t put my finger on it. Quitting my corporate job 5 years ago was definitely the catalyst for me finally aligning with my true purpose.

14. You have a real problem with systems and authority

Whether it’s your boss, the government, society, whoever. You value freedom so much because being enslaved to anything, or anyone goes against what you believe in. Lol! This one is definitely me. The whole reason I quit my job was because I clashed with my boss. I couldn’t stand his micro-management style. And right now you can say my anti-system and anti-government feelings have amplified x100000.

15. You love serving others

It’s the reason why you’re here, after all. Helping others is something you find yourself doing all of the time, even if you know that it may not be in your best interest. You’re probably a recovering people pleaser, finding yourself at times being taken advantage of by the takers of this world. You are here to serve, but remember, you still need to put yourself first in order to shine your best light.

16. You see repeating numbers (angel numbers)

I’ve seen 11:11 and 111 for as long as I can remember. But in recent months the numbers have been amplified. I always see 22 or 222 and 611 (my birthday), 444, 555. These numbers appear anywhere and everywhere. If you see them too, then it’s definitely a sign you’re starting to have a spiritual awakening. The more you pay attention to these numbers, you’ll be able to discern what it means for your life. As you take the right steps aligning with your purpose, see these numbers as affirmations or new clues of what to pay attention to.

Types of Starseeds

This is an area I’m only just starting to learn about so I won’t try to explain it all. This article on Gaia does a brilliant job of explaining each type in detail.

But here’s a simple rundown.

Pay attention to your body as you read through these, which ones speak to you and evoke something inside you. That’s usually a good indication of which type you are.

Sirian: These souls come from the planets Sirius A and Sirius B. These two planets initiated the awakening of all human beings. It is said that Sirius A gave us Ascended Masters like Jesus and Mother Mary.Pleiadian: These Starseeds come from the Pleiades, a star cluster also known as Seven Sisters, Messier 45, and The Eye of the Bull, found within the constellation Taurus. The Pleiadians behave much like humans, except they are far more emotionally and spiritually evolved. Most have come to Earth to help it expand its consciousness and evolve.Arcturian: These profound beings come from Arcturus, the most advanced civilisation in our galaxy. They are fifth-dimensional beings and built a society that became the original prototype for how to live on Earth. Arcturians are emotionally and mentally advanced and were intended to be the spiritual shamans and healers for humanity.Andromedan: This loving, benevolent, and telepathic race is from the spiral-shaped Andromeda Galaxy, otherwise known as MS31 or M31. These beautiful beings have one mission: to bring peace and love to the races enslaved by the Reptilians.Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow: Individuals from these three soul groups often possess special or supernatural abilities, including telepathy, clairvoyance, light-emanation, energy-cleansing, deep empathy, and reality-shifting. With a natural detachment from the physical world, these three groups see interactions with this world as spiritual exercises instead of personally advancing events.Lightworker: The Lightworker are special souls from a variety of planets and realms who have agreed to incarnate to help Earth and other worlds evolve. Their primary purpose is to spread kindness, goodness, and love to every living being they meet. They work solely for the light.Orion: The Orions will ask questions about every detail. They’ll try to create living beings here on Earth who are based in mind. They are obsessed with science and research, and sadly, lack an understanding of their hearts. The Orion mission on Earth is to help improve our understanding of the value of science.Lemurian and Atlantean: These two lands, long ago lost in Earth’s seas, were advanced civilisations that developed philosophical, spiritual, and healing technologies. It is said that they were the first Starseed tribes to form direct exchanges with races from other planets.Reptilian: Also known as Lizard People, Saurians, and Draconians, these shape-shifters seek to control Earth in the pursuit of selfish benefit. Reptilians have many enemies who live in the light and have the mission to combat all darkness.

“Man is but a foundling in the cosmos, abandoned by the forces that created him.” ~ Carl Becker

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