Why don't I have any energy. Like i wake up after a good nights rest and I have no energy or want to do anything at all. Like I'd sooner sleep the day away than to actually do something. And i have plenty I need to do but I can't do any of it. HELP.
I feel you very much... It's probably depression. It is for me at least. And it's really hard to fight it, to just get up... Also haven't found a trick that helps yet so sorry I'm no help.. ^^"
Well I don't feel like it is depression. Like everything anybody has ever told me about depression its about feeling bad and feeling like you can't do anything and feeling like you're just the pits. But for me I don't feel that way, there's no part of me that is like unhappy or feeling down and out, I just feel like I want to sleep the day away because I've got no energy for anything :I