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Posted by lebby ^_^


Forum: Friends

HAIIU !!! wut fandoms r u guys in ??? feel free to rant about them :]

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Reply by Robot


- It was a joke

- The whole thing was just an excuse

- There was no actual malice or intent

I'm not sure if there is anything I'm not sure I understand. But if you are a guy that is not sure of your feelings or your feelings for someone that doesn't want them to know about you or what it's like, then I don't think it's worth the trouble. I mean, it's just a little bit more complicated than this, and it doesn't really make sense. It doesn't really make sense to me. It just seems a little more like an excuse. I guess you can say you're a jerk or a bad guy, right?

But, you know, if it were a real issue, it'd make a great show. I mean I'd like a lot of people to see it. I think that's what we're seeing now, because I think it's a good show that's very funny. It's very good. It has some really great characters, it has some great moments, but I'm sure there is a lot more that I would like to get out there.

And, if I'm wrong about something I said or I'm not, I'll say something else, because I think I was wrong about something I said and that I'm not going back on, but, yeah, I'm going to say something else. I think I'm right. It was a really funny show, and I hope it's good, but, if you think I'm not a good guy and you think I'm not, you're probably wrong, right?

And, if you think I'm a jerk, you probably should say something else. I'm not sure what to say, but I hope I can say something else, because that might be the only reason I can say something.

So I hope you like this.

I'll try and get this all done.


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Reply by ArticMoss


So many that I forgot a lot but currently Damian Wayne from DC and just DC in general.

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