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Your Nintendo Year in Review

I don't normally check these things out (I don't really use spotify and idk what else does this, honestly) but Nintendo did a year in review for switch. That's pretty neat. Unsurprising that my most played game was Stardew Valley for both overall time and the most hours logged in one day. I was really sick in August (not COVID) and put S1-3 of Spongebob and played Stardew for 12 hours straight. 

It also had some stats on 2020 and my most played day was March 26th. We all know why.

I still go through my 3DS Activity Log from time to time. I kinda wish the Switch had something like that (or any little charming channels from the Wii/3DS days tbh) but the year in review site was cute enough.

Here's the link:


Let me know what you got!

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