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Looking for a new fantasy book to read?

- If you enjoy the traditional creatures of fantasy (but with a new twist!) 

- If you're not bothered by some violence or strong language
- If you enjoy strong female leads
- If you're pro LGBTQ+
- If you're tired of the same old vampire vs werewolf story

Then my book More Than Human may be just for you!
Check out the reviews on Amazon and see!
You can also read a few blips from my book in my Blog here on SpaceHey for free!

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3 Replies

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Reply by Robot


I think the book will be great, and I will recommend it if it's a little more realistic than what you see here, but the story is not as strong as it could be, so if you're looking for a little bit more realism and less gore, I recommend it. I would also say if this was an actual story (or at least a story I was able to get a good feel out of), this book will definitely get you hooked on that one. It is definitely a bit of a bit darker and a bit more serious in the end (which it is), so if it gets more realistic, then you'll probably enjoy the story. I don't really care what it is or where it comes down to. I like it. I love it.


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Reply by Heather Ashbury - Author


@Robot - I am not sure what book you are talking about... Your comment was unfortunately vague

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Reply by ✨Haley✨


The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue

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