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open world games suck (fight me

Posted by xxxcrusaderxxx616


Forum: Games

This generation we've seen wayyy to many open world games, and many different series ditching their old formula for open worlds. Partly because journalists literally jerk off to games such as BOTW and the witcher. There personally super boring and everything can be experienced in the first 20 hours. and there padded out like crazy to increase hours. Give me something more fun, streamlined, and most importantly not as long! something like devil may cry would be nice. I wouldn't care if there was a couple of games like this but EVERY game has to be an open world. And franchises such as god of war ditch their old formula for "exploration". I think this signfes a bigger problem in the game indrusty but I dont' have the time.


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Reply by Wolkynir


In my opinion, open world could be really fun. 

However, this factor should then also be integrated into the gameplay, in which, for example, you can tackle missions differently or, ideally, even prepare them. 
Unfortunately, this is hardly done or not done at all. 

For example, I loved playing Red Dead Redemption 2. 
However, I don't see any reason why the open world exists.
The story is great and I had a lot of fun with the gameplay.
But the open world was never used for this and could easily be left out and acts more like a mandatory element to promote the game.
As you described it.

In games like Sea of ​​Thieves, however, I definitely see a reason for an open world. 
I drive through the Sea with my ship and experience my adventures without restriction. 
Certainly there is still room for improvement there, but I see a benefit in the world.


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Reply by Oli


hey i used to think the same thing! im so used to playing old games that only stick to the story so when i played genshin impact for the first time i hated it, i just wanted the story, but now i like it, open world games give you time to explore and see what the world actually looks like, but at the same time it can lead to bland boring worlds. it all depends on the game imo!

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Reply by not_lain


ive only stuck with genres i love to play so i never really realized this

personally im not really an avid fan of exploration in open worlds in general
having a vast world to lost in isnt something i really find fun but its to each their own preference
i dont have much strong dislike to open world games overall

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Reply by ace/ash/ann





i partly agree with your opion im just hungry

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