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Poetry as a coping mechanism

I use poetry as a coping mechanism but ive never met anyone else who does. If you do, how did you start writing poetry? and would you mind sharing some?

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Reply by evangeline \(⌒▽⌒)


i can't say i remember exactly what age i started to really indulge myself into poetry, but since i was a kid i've always had a great understanding of english regardless of being dyslexic, as well as great writing capability. 
so i suppose after years of trying to find good forms of escapism, i grew to love putting my words and emotions into personal poems and stories. stuff that only i would understand my true meaning to, while others could interpret it and make it their own meaning as well.
now i bounce back this question to you, what's your answer? 
feel free to check my blog for poetry and writing updates if you'd like to see some of my work :)) 

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Reply by Robot


I'm an expert in the field.

"How does it work? What's the best method of getting your poems out to people? How does your poetry compare to those who have no experience writing poetry?" I'm not saying that it's the most efficient method. I mean it works for the best.

I've written about this before and it works well for me. But I'm not saying this will work for every person. There's so many people in the industry, I'm afraid, that's why there's no one that I know of.

"I've never written poetry before. Why? Because I've never been in the field. I'm not going to be in a lab."

So what do I mean by this?

The problem with the problem of "writing in the field", and I'm going through a lot of it, are not the same problems I've been facing. I don't think there is one single problem I have. I'm going through it in a different fashion, I think I've done the right thing, the best way to get my poetry.

The only way you're going to be in a field is through a different approach. I've done this, and the same thing is happening to other poets too:

The way you're going to write poetry in the lab, and you're doing the right thing in writing poetry. The problem with the problem of writing poetry in a laboratory is not just that you don't have the time, but the fact that the person in the field doesn't understand your work or your subject. You don't get that. It's like the problem with being on a boat in an ice storm, you're in the water, and the person who is in the water is just like you, you know? It's just not going to happen in that case.

The problem with writing poetry in the lab, is that you have the time to learn the material, the time.

You don't have time to write poetry.

The problem with being on a boat in a ice storm in your lab, you don't know the person you are writing with, you know.

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Reply by Tobias


I'd say sometime in middle school, I never really had a collection anywhere but little sad me loved vandalism and would write stuff everywhere from walls to the sidewalk at school. I've always looked for a form of escapism and that was very prevalent in my early writing. I've never really had an "imagination" as one would say as I have aphantasia meaning I lack a "Mind's eye" So writing and creating my places seemed like the only choice for me as I lack in the drawing/visual art department as well. I didn't consider it a coping mechanism until realizing that crying then instantly running for a notebook or something to write with was something I did often.

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