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New coffee shop in town. Discuss?

Posted by Kes


Forum: Normal Humans Group

I'm not so sure about the new coffee shop in town... There are so many new kinds of coffee, I hardly know what to order!

Right now I'm torn between the Americano, the acorn latte, and the contemporary Roman architecture smoothie. Any fellow Joe-Heads in the same boat? LOL !

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8 Replies

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Reply by Dib


I don't get what all of this is about. I just like PLAIN COFFEE.

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Reply by Kes


Amen! I love plain coffee! Plain old caffeine amiright???? These new flavors are pretty good though.

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Reply by Zakhvatchik Let



At a tangent; I heard there's decaffeinated coffee available in some coffee departments as well.

I wonder where the removed caffeine goes.
I hope it's not wasted, because it is very useful...

- Zakh Let

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Reply by Devi.novA


i highly recommend the rx-78-2 prototype brew, although if thats not your thing, the ms-06 zaku with whipped cream is a good alternative

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Reply by Kes



The caffeine is sent directly into my bloodstream, LOL!!

I have not tried them, but I have tried the 8r5769556874526-c brew and quite enjoyed it.

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Reply by Mushroom landing



These guys just don't know what real coffee is! The shop's idea of a good coffee is 50% creamer and 49% coffee. This isn't at all like my preferred ratio of 61% creamer to 25% coffee. When I gave my order to them they just stared at me!
Juiced up,

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Reply by Zakhvatchik Let


Dear Fungus: I have a similar experience to share.
Today I asked the coffee pouring man (whom that phrase seemed to have upset a bit - he asked to be called a barrister) about the storage conditions for the prepared product.

I received a very useless, unacceptable answer regarding the shelf life, quoted here verbatim.
"Uh. I'd recommend drinking it before it gets too cold."

When inquired about using a refrigerator or a freezer and the preferred temperature thereof, I was told that the man is very busy and that there was a long queue behind me (which there indeed was).

Perhaps delaying the coffee buyer audience for that long is indeed unacceptable since I was rather rudely shoved outside of the coffee establishment...

- Zakh Let

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Reply by frogteeth64


 Dear dirt,
 Hmmm, coffee...I don't really drink coffee. I heard that drinking too much caffeine was bad for you and I'm scared of getting addicted to coffee because I heard that could happen. Sometimes when I had to stay up late working I drink some coffee and while it gives me some energy I don't really like how it feels. I don't like how it tastes very much either so whenever I drink it I don't put anything in it so I'm less likely to drink it more. I've never been to a cafe or anything like that so I wonder how a fancy coffee from one of those would be. I wouldn't know what to order either.

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