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There's a story over at The Nation that caught my eye, because it also strikes a nerve. 


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Reply by Ava Adore


Sorry, for the tardy reply but what this country needs is National Health Insurance like every country in Europe has. Medical Bills have become such an onus to the American People that they are being crushed by healthcare costs and it's affecting the GNP, etc. I lived in the Netherlands for almost 9 years and I never saw a medical bill once for anything including medication.

Medical Care today in the US is helping cause the decline of the middle class...This country needs to raise wages, take a healthcare stipend out of it. IMHO, we now have an oligarchy, the rich are rich and the poor are screwed and will die younger due to lack of affordable medical treatment. Our political system frankly sucks.

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Reply by Dadzilla


I agree something has to be done, but at this point I don't know what it's going to take to cross that line. The republicans oppose it and half of the elected Dems in Congress are too bought off.

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Reply by Ava Adore


I am really hoping that as these old codgers in Congress die off (and they are starting to die off), we need get truly fresh, woke blood in there. The problem in the elections is the old farts are already bought off and have the money to run. Unfortunately, to get new members in Congress we are going to have to see a lot of fundraising and "gofundme" type fundraiser events.

However, the important thing is, we need to the New Woke Blood in there stat should have been decades ago. We have tipped the planet survival point and unless we have a totally new reign in congress and in other countries, this planet is headed towards extinction and I think it will be faster than predicted. I want to see my niece and nephew have long, full, good lives. They deserve it because they didn't do anything wrong.

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