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Cooking advice.

Posted by Zakhvatchik Let


Forum: Normal Humans Group

Greetings everyone!

I suppose this forum is the perfect place for me to share some cooking knowledge which I consider helpful.

Important condiments:
  • Salt: makes food salty
  • Sugar: makes food sweet
Using a stove:
  • If you want to cook food slowly, set the burner to low.
  • If you want to cook food at a medium speed, set the burner to medium.
  • If you want to cook food rapidly, set the burner to high.
  • Important update: if you no longer want to cook food, please do not forget to turn off the burner.
Those are all I can remember right now; if I find more helpful cooking tips I shall post them here as well.

- Let

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7 Replies

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Reply by Betelgeuse



Thank you for your advice. it was helpful. it turns out i cannot cook food if my stove is not on. also, i did not know what salt was for.

sincerely salted, Betelgeuse.

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Reply by Zakhvatchik Let


Dear Betelgeuse,

I'm glad that you found the advice which I presented useful.
I realized that I forgot an important detail which has now been added to the first post. Please refer to it again.
- Let

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Reply by Betelgeuse



Thank you for the update, this information is incredibly useful.

yours warmly, Betelgeuse.

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Reply by Mushroom landing



This information was incredibly enlightening. I am very pleased to learn the function of sugar, as I have been using it for insect bait instead of cooking with it. I had no idea it was edible LOL! I will give it a try soon. Thank you for sharing!
Your sweet friend,

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Reply by Kes


Dear Zach Let,
Thank you for your wonderful cooking tips! I was very interested to learn about the uses. I have also heard much hubbub about "pepper," but I'm not sure what that is. Since you are an expert in the subject, would you be so kind as to define this?

Peppering for your response,

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Reply by Dib


Have you tried Pepper? It goes well with Salt, but not so much Sugar. I tried it with both. Thank you for the tips, I forgot to turn the burner on the first time and couldn't figure out what i was doing wrong.


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Reply by Zakhvatchik Let


Dirt and Dib: thank you for pointing out this aspect as it definitely is of importance and, in my opinion, certainly deserves an elaboration.

Speaking of Pepper.
I shall admit that I assumed it to be a sneeze-provoking powder at first, but after adding it to a ham sandwich I discovered that it has a taste as well.

I'd suggest using it with care. Addition thereof to beverages, while tempting, is not recommended.

- Let

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