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Car appreciation thread

Posted by Kes


Forum: Normal Humans Group

Great carLook at my wonderful hot rod of a car. This bad boy has several horse powers, including driving and traveling. It gets such great gas milage, I often forget to feed it, lol! Anyone else want to share?
EDIT: Sorry all, I think I must have inserted the image wrong at first. My apologies. It is correctly inhabiting the page now

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Reply by Mushroom landing


Your vehicle is wonderful! I'm so glad it is able to travel and drive. Attached is a photo of my own car. It's an oldie, but a goodie! It never breaks down on me. It breaks down on the road instead.

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Reply by Dib


These are great cars. I imagine they do things like travelling, and making noise.

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Reply by Kes


They sure do! Mine even has a radio!

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