I've heard this debate typically go both ways and I find it very interesting to hear people's takes on the matter. I haven't really done much research but this is what I believe.
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Ghosts: Interdimensional Beings, Spirits From the Soul, or Something Else?
I believe ghosts are very likely interdimensional beings because they can move from a physical dimention into a spiritual dimension, or reside in both at the same time. This would also lead me to believe that there is a spiritual realm or dimension of the sorts, but that's a whole other discussion.
I also believe there is always a spirit inside of someone, also known as there soul. This spirit of us is capable of moving between the dimensions and either in death, astral projection, meditation, or any other form.
I'd like to hear other people's takes on where ghosts come from or what they are! Feel free to share, and remember to keep an open mind and don't argue!