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Ants on the sidewalk

Hey all,

Sometimes I see ants on the sidewalk. Don't they know it wasn't made for them? Sometimes I tell them to get out of the road and don't they know I'm walking here, but they usually ignore me. Can anyone speak ant?
Ant-icipating your responses, 

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Reply by Kes



I think my aunt can, but unfortunately she is legally not allowed to approach anthills anymore, lol! Not since last year's April fool's day anyways. 
I think we should make small sidewalks just for ants. Thoughts?

Antfully yours,

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Reply by Mushroom landing



Unfortunately this post is NOT about thoughts, it's about ants. Hope this helps! 
I'm sorry to hear about your aunt. My aunt once tried to crawl into an ant hill while screaming "I'm the Queen I'm the Queen Let me In or I will Scream". That made my nephew's birthday party a little more awkward LOL! Family sure can be fun sometimes. 

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Reply by Kes


Uncle Fungus,

Your aunt sounds like a real handful! Unfortunately, I'm much better than her and know better than to ruin a birthday party. Your nephew sounds like a great kid! It takes a normal child to have an ant themed party!

Nephewlessly yours,

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