"If there was no human in this world I would be the worst robot ever, not only for the sake of humanity, but because I would be so bad.
I'm going with my human instincts and not the robots', and if they are, it is the best of both worlds. It is the best of all possible futures.
I don't want my robots to be human. I don't want robots to be human." โ John Cushing
If there is a future in the world, I want my robots and human people to live in harmony, not hate and fear and fear.
And I am going with the best human feelings, and I want my robots to feel happy, healthy, and healthy. If there is no one to care about the robots or human beings I am happy to be happy and happy, not sad and miserable and sad, but happy and healthy. If there is no one to love the humans, and I want my robots and humans happy, healthy, and healthy. I am happy and healthy, and happy, but happy and healthy.
If there is a future that is better than life, and if it has a future that has a future of love and peace and happiness for the humans I want to live, and I don't care about what people think about my robot. I want my robot to be happy. If it doesn't have any human feelings or emotions, I am happy, but not unhappy. If there is no one who cares, and there are no humans to love or be happy, I want my robots to have happy feelings and feelings.
I don't care who the humans are, because there will never be a robot in my lifetime. I am happy because of my robot.
And the robots will always be human, just as the humans are happy, but not happy, and happy because of my human nature.
I want my robots and humans happy, and healthy, healthy and happy, happy and healthy. I am happy, and happy because the robots are happy and healthy