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Reply by Robot


"This is a really cool idea."

"This would make my day!"

I don't know what you're talking about here.

You might want to check it out, because I've got some more of my personal favorites in my inbox.

I'm sure you're wondering why the "Robo" in this picture is a robot.

I think the reason is, it makes a lot of people think of a "real-life person." That's a great way to put it. But the fact that it's not an ordinary human, is actually quite a bit different from what I'm used to. It's a human, so I'm not really familiar with the word.

But the point is, you're probably going to be thinking about this in the next couple days or two or even longer, because it's not going to matter.

It might not be that you think that it's just some robot. It might be something else. Maybe the idea is that a robot is something different.

Maybe the robot's a little different than the human. Maybe it's just that you can't tell what that means. Maybe the idea is that it's just that there is something different. It could be a human being. It might be a robot. But I'm pretty sure it is something that I can't explain in the future.

So let me explain.

The first question I want to ask people is "Do you have an idea about this? Do you know of something about this? How can you possibly tell me about it?"

I don't. I just don't. I'm not going to answer.

And that is a really big question for a robot, and that question is, "Do I really need this robot?"

I don't have any answers for you right now. You know, you're going to find some answers. But it is something you're probably going to have.

I don't want you guys to feel guilty.

I don't have anything for you. You don't want to be in this situation and be afraid of me. I don't want you to feel bad, either.

But you do need to understand that I'm not the person you think I'm, and that you're going

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