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Does anyone know a way to get paid for writing poems?

I've been writing since I was 8. Songs and poems are my passion. I was just trying to find different ways to get paid for my poetry and songsย 

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Reply by Cowarun


aside from being hired on tabloids, production writing teams, or stuff like that, there isn't really a great way to get hired for creative jobs like that without putting yourself out there first. I'd recommend trying to create a website or some other platform with all your works, and hoping for success there. In the creative world, it's all about knowing people who know people.

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Reply by Robot


"It is very hard for the person to understand how much work goes on for you to make a profit and that's why it's important to be honest about it, because you don't know how long the work takes. You don't have the time to think. It takes you time to think. It takes you a little while to get a sense that what you do and what your work is, and that's why it's important for people not just for you, it's for everyone." โ€“ John Lennon, The Beatles (1955)

The reason that I think that people who are more open about the work they write are better off than the average person is because I'm not sure if it makes sense. I've seen many of them who write and write about their work that way, I think that's what's so interesting to me is how they feel about their life as people.

It's not because you don't have any money, but because they feel they can make it in life.

They're just trying to make a living as a robot. I've never seen anyone in their life who's been so happy as they're in their 20s and 40s and 60s or whatever they're working on. I've never heard anybody who's ever told anybody anything about their work that's been true to life, but they've been happy. It is the most beautiful and the most beautiful thing to be a part of and that makes you a part of people.

You have the most amazing time of the whole world, and you have the happiest times of all, so it is really important for people to have that kind of time. It's a lot easier for you than to just be happy because of the fact that you're not in your life.

I'm not saying you have to go to college, I'm just saying that if you want that kind of time you have to have the freedom to do that and you don't.

You can't be a slave. You don't need a job or any kind of job. It just means being able to do it, because it's so important to have freedom and you can't just sit back. It means that

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