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im going to hell anyone want anything?

they have some great snacks and drinks if you want anything tell me cause im leaving in around 10 minutes

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Reply by Kes


Dear devinova,

I wish you the best on your travels. Please stay safe in hell, as I've heard the weather there is terrible. 
If you would be so kind as to pick me up a novelty mug or something like that I would appreciate it greatly.

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Reply by Mushroom landing


Dear Devinovo,

My grand-pappy went to hell a few years ago. When we sent him off, we told him to be careful in case things were not as fun as he had hoped. Luckily, he recently came back. Unluckily, he's not quite the same as when he left. I hope your trip is uneventful! Come back to us safely!
Lending you a helling hand, 

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